Usually, I say namaste while walking in the village, my motto saying namaste is to encourage people to speak, interact with externals or strangers. I have already visited four districts of Karnali except Dolpa. In Karnali, people specially women, girls and young kids don't like to speak, they have phobia (Vheya lagdo in local language).
In 24 October 2013, I was walking to the Sannigaun (a village of Jumla) along with Tuka Sandwell, London, UK. We were trying to reach the health post because we are following the activities of newly constructed Miteri Birthing Center. There was suns set already, paddy fields can seen, the greenery still remain. Villagers were busy to collect herbs, harvesting paddy rice and other corps because the winter is already approached.
She just stopped when I said Namaste and asked for taking photograph. Ms. Tuka was holding a movie camera and bit behind of me, she looked like foreigner though she is Nepali woman.
We took her photos and showed her, she smiled but it was too short. She changed her face and said, it was not good because of my eye. I have already noticed her, she has only one eye. I took long breath and tried to ask, how it happened? She told her story without taking breath; she got married with a man at the age of 13 years. When she was 15, she went to forest as a normal daily work, one day she lost her vision, her eye broken of branch of pine. There was no hospital, no culture about check up and all so she used local medicines and finally cured. Then that day, she was pushed in more bad situation at home. All family members including her husband didn't pay attention. next year, her husband had has next marriage. I asked further, don't you have kids? She replied with watery eyes, how come? Then that day, my husband never come to me. I am living in a separate house alone.
Women who are living with disability they further deprived from their reproductive rights, property rights and so many other rights.
This case is enough to review and analyze the situation so I will come up with next story.