Tuesday, July 4, 2017

#Shed, #Chhaupadi, #Achham, #Dailekh, #Kailali, #Menstruation

Often I think, my blood is all about menstrual blood, my breath all about menstrual blood and I am thinking , working, writing, doing etc. about menstruation associated with Human Right, Peace, Empowerment, SDGs WASH in many ways. 

Just about a week ago I was in Dailekh for same and I have few photos of various forms of shed. Likewise, my fiends shared with me sheds from Achham and Kailali. Thus, I like to share here for educating people in many ways.

Shed under construction after declaration, June 2017, Photo: Deuma Bhat

Shed in Achham, June 2017, Photo: Deuma Bhat

Shed in Achham, June 2017, Photo: Deuma Bhat

Shed for menstruation in Basi Dailekh

Shed in Achham, June 2017,Photo: Deuma Bhat

Shed in Dhangadi, Kailali, Photo: Lokasri Kuwar, June 2017

Shed in Achham, June, 2017, Photo: Deuma Bhat

Shed construction in Achham though declared as Chhaupadi free community, June 2017, Photo: Deuma Bhat

Radha Paudel slept in shed, challenging who advocate for clean shed (please follow my article in earlier posts)
In this shed, two women stayed at same time

Shed in Achham, June 2017, Photo: Deuma Bhat
Radha Paudel is in shed at Basi, Dailekh

Shed associated with other forms of restrictions as well, Dailekh, June 2017, Photo: Amar Sunar
shed and children , Dailekh, June 2017, Photo: Amar Sunar
Shed associated with restrictions and children specially boys also following restrictions due to mother, Dailekh, June 2017, Photo: Amar Sunar

Shed in Achham, June 2017, Photo: Deuma Bhat

Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature
