Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Menstrual Discrimination Among the School Health Nurses from Rasuwa and Nuwakot

Menstrual Discrimination Among the School Health Nurses from Rasuwa and Nuwakot

Surname: Thapa, Shrestha, Rawat, Lama, Magar, Tamang, Gurung, Paudel, Adhikari, Deuja, Ghale,

1.       Separate room for four days or send to the neighbor’s house 4 days to 21 days

2.       Very difficult to use the toilet while living at same house during the first menstruation because she were not allow to see brothers. Therefore need to find the time where no one at home e.g. use bathroom only the father and brother left home for school

3.       Not allow to go kitchen garden

4.       Not allow to have milk

5.       No for all religious and cultural activities

6.       Purified after bathing on the fourth day of menstruation

7.       Use old clothes

8.       Deprivation from having nutritious foods

9.       Not allow to see brothers, fathers (first time)

10.   Not allow to see sun

11.   Eating food in separate plate and not allow to touch to others

12.   Not allow to touch brothers, fathers

13.   Ignorance

14.   Shyness

15.   Teachers and boys also teased towards the menstrual girls at school

16.   Dysmenorrhea is common in school

17.   Woke up at early in the morning (dark) for washing/bathing

18.   Dry the clothes under shadow or hiding from others 

Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature