Thursday, June 13, 2024

Model Policy Language, for SRH/FP in Crisis: Expert Consultation, USAID and Propel Adapt

 1. Please use menstrual discrimination and GBV. 

Currently the UN data doesn't acknowledge menstrual discrimination as a form of GBV. According to the UN's definition of GBV (1993) the menstrual discrimination (taboos, stigma, shyness, violence, abuse, deprivation from services and resources) is not only a form of GBV but also the forms of GBV. 

2. Menstrual Discrimination should discuss independent issues.
Currently, the menstrual discrimination is superficially defined and used e.g. discussed under Harmful Traditional Practices. Menstrual discrimination is being practiced across the globe in various forms, name and magnitude and it is a matter of more than 50 % of the population of this planet. 

3. Menstrual discrimination is an underlying barrier for utilizing the SRHR
Since long, globally we have been working around SRHR and GBV but not addressing it well. Of Course, there are many contributing factors and one very important and missing barrier is menstrual discrimination. Menstrual discrimination is playing a vital role for construction and reinforcement of power and patriarchy. Those menstruators can't talk about their menstruation in a dignified manner, they couldn't claim their SRHR rights. Baseline Report_AmplifyChange

4. HMIS (Health Management Information Service) is missing the issues of Menstrual Health (Menstruation + Menopause)
E.G.- the current HMIS system doesn't has the space for menstrual health issues (Menstruation and Menopause) 

5. Missing Menstrual Dignity (dignified menstruation) across all SRHR policies and practices
Neither SRHR  nor CSE (comprehensive sexual education) recognize the menstrual discrimination nor address. The menstrual talk is just confined around superficial anatomy and physiology of reproductive organs. In some contexts, the menstrual movement focuses on menstrual products or WASH or management.   

6. Menstrual dignity (dignified menstruation) is missing entire Climate Justice and Environmental Justice  
Menstrual discrimination fuels the climate crisis systemic and symptomatically. Currently, the discussion moves around with the same ideology (symptomatically) under the same banner or banner of climate justice. 

7. Inclusivity  
We need to use the word of menstruators and non-menstruators instead of gender or male, female and LGBTQI+
If we call menstruators and non menstruators, the inclusive process will be faster and demand more specific data like who is the client- at ICU or earthquake or flood or school or factory- menstruator or not, their age and helps us to address accordingly. 

Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature