June 17- Myself, Sudha Gurung from UK/Nepal and Abigal Lennox flew (15.25 PM via Budha Air) hto Janakpur for Lalbandhi. Flight was delayed about 45 minutes
Jankapur changed a a lot in a year, I went to there along with Samir Pariyar and Joanne Frappier in May 2022
Due to Sudha's 34 years after visit, we quickly visited Gangasangar where the evening prayers (aarati) was about ready but we spent about couple of minutes due to time constraints
Also went to Janaki temple to see the evening lights, took few photos, made a circle. We were so hungry (I didn't eat well since morning due to too many meetings). We had sweets just right after the Jankai temple's visit.
Went to travel agent to pay 62 $ as I promised (cash) for Abigail's flight.
Went to hotel United, Lalbandhi, too late already. Met Raj Kurmar and family at the lobby of hotel
Abigail at vege momo and Sudha and myself had a stir fried vegetables only (shared a plate)
Too hot, about 10.30 we went to room (Sudha and myself shared a room #401) where Abigal has single room #405)
June 18, 2023
We were at lobby at 6.30 waited the group of CPO, Lalbandhi, had quick chitchat about the dignified menstruation.
We were picked up by same municipality's car and driver ( Mr. Jogindar, he was very talkative, found friendly)
By 8.30 we were at office of Chandranagar Municipality, waited for while and went to the place (chutara where the mass was gathered)
Fortunately, the weather was cool till 10.00.
Adolescent girl started to speak as master of ceremony under the shadow of tree (chautara)
About 300 people gathered under the shadow of trees, children, girls, boys, men, women, elders were there. They came far from there, observed the mass of women were riding via tractor, few were walking while we were on the way.
A week before, when Raj Kumar Mahato (chair of Municipality) called me for invitation. It was big programs, panel discussions on caste, girls right, religion, guests expected from federal government such as Ministry of women, planning commission etc.
We flew here with confusion and so much doubts and insecurity due to the conflict among the political leaders of municipalities.
In June 17, the opposite leaders sat in protest, facebook protest, written protest, protest with rally. They were saying that the girls congress should not do because it was a work like NGO and means for corruption. It was planned activity last year's annual planning and Nrs 25,00,000 (25 Lakh allocated for it).
And I received the videos of these activities including the interruption for program's hall (tenting). The bamboos where holding without tents next to the mass (it was sad though).
Despite all challenges, I assumed that that mass was there for two reasons; 1. supporting to Chair by considering his past academic and activism, stands for empowerment of poor, dalit, Mushar, Muslims, disabled, COVID response and 2. belong with his party. And there ray of protagonist feeling that the kids were holding slogans related not only about girls, women's rights but also about scolding opposition leaders (see the pictures).
Whatever the case, mass mostly belong with Mushar community, a most marginalized ethnic group.
Due to protest and threatening the rest of the elected bodies of municipality, the official program was cancelled but the programs started with very informal manner with the announcement of girl leader.
Few adolescent girls and boys were spoken about their rights, irresponsible political leaders, that was emphasized by other adult women and men leaders. Many highlighted the missing their rights due to cancellation of official girls congress and few were expressing their political aggression. The assembly in a way of symbolic girls congress and the other way, challenging the political leaders who oppose the girls congress. Whatever the case it was historical take.
Abigail spoke about the role of menstrual discrimination on power construction and urgency of dialogue on dignified menstruation since the age of 6 for gender equality.
Sudha Gurung also highlighted about the power inequality with the analogy of Peas (sons) and Black paper (daughters) and appealed for dialogue on dignified menstruation.
I started my speech about the role of political parties and leaders in implementation of constitution, I was not belong with any political parties but belong with girls and women party globally. Also highlighted the social background and commitment of chair briefly. Most importantly, I challenged the political parties and leaders to come on dialogue process and stand for marginalized communities. I encouraged parents and youths to caste the vote based on the work by leaders for standing with survivors of rape, sexual abuse, poor, dalit, Muslim, mushar, and others who are the last mile in this community. And urged to all to work on dignified menstruation because it is political rights too.
The chair also spoke briefly, responded the questions of opposition leaders and highlighted the rights of marginalized communities, shared the history of girls congress in Nepal and commitment for making dignified life of each marginalized girls and women in his municipality.
Mass did a march for appealing official girls congress, we also marched together. It was over 40 degree Celsius temperature though observed energy and participation of them.
Abou 1.30 PM all departed to their houses after having snacks of beaten rice, yogurt and sugar.
About 2.30, we were dropped off at chair's home for lunch. We had great fun with organize and fresh mangoes his father and helper served from mango firm.
We had lunch at 3.30 pm. I had rice and yogurt due to spicy food.
Later, Raj Kumar joined at his home, discussed in depth about the dignified menstruation campaign, role of municipality, budget and planning etc. He expressed his commitment to lead for dignified menstruation in madhesh. I handed over the books of Mariam manchhe bhai #6 and mini handbook #2.
About 4.30, we dropped off hotel.
Sudha shared the news to few Nepalese Media in UK and Nepal e.g. BFBS.
June 18, 2023
We were waited from 6 am, chair joined at 7.30, we had discussion again about the invisible form of menstrual discrimination and its role in gender inequality. He expressed his commitment.
Sudha didi facebook live with him, Abigail and myself about the yesterday's program. Raj Kumar also shared his key achievements since he onboard as chair.
8.30 am we left hotel. On the way, Sudha and myself spoke about the program via BFBS radio.
Went to Travel agent but it was closed so went to Temple, collect the tickets and had quick brunch.
And flew back to Kathmandu via Buddha air, 11.15 am.
Abigail paid by herself for everything. Sudha and myself was taken care by municipality.
The news were
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