Sunday, August 31, 2014

निरकार बन्नु परेको छ

निलो गगन्मा जुल्लिरहने सेता सेता बादलसित हिन्न किन सक्दिन म ?
हिमालका टुप्पा टुप्पा किन चुम्न सक्दिन म ?
पहाड सँग जोरी खोज्दै दोरी खेल्न किन सक्दिन म?
त्यो बादल प्रकिर्तिको, पहाड, हिमाल प्रकिर्तिको,
मलाई सोधेर , मैले रोजेर हैन जन्मेको, हुँ तेही प्रकिर्तिको ।
मातिएर कहिले हिमाल, कहिले तराइ उड्न मन लागेको छ ।
आधी बर्षा असिना खोजी खोजी तोकी तोकी पार्न मन लागेको छ ।
मलाई शित बन्नु छ, कर्कलाको पात्म झिर्के खेल्नु छ ।
मलाई सके जती लुकौनु छ आँफै भित्र, आँफैसित ।
क्यमेराले कैद नगर्दै,हाबा जस्तै निरकार बन्नु परेको छ 

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Inspiring Peace Leaders: Missing, Melting and hiding under Ground

In Nepal, there are many Inspiring Peace Leaders are working in the bottom without having knowledge and skills on human rights, peace building and in many cases before promulgation of laws and policies. Unfortunately, no one taking care of them to protect, promote and capitalize in next generations. 

This photo is Mrs Lauri Dhami from Looma, Dillichaur, Jumla. She is 60 years old  December 2013. The life expectancy of women in Karnali is 37-42 years but she is still strong and energetic. 

Forty five years before, she got marriage with guy from next village. He had very bad habit. He was kept on bringing women  in consideration of wives up to 12, few were brought by force, few were brought by marriage. Mrs Lauri become mad and sad. She broke her patience. She thought that I was committed on my maarige or husband, I was taking care of house, in-laws and all but my husband neither love me, nor appreciate me nor respect me. She questioned herself, why he did so? Could I continue rest of life with such silly guy? Was it justice  and so many? 

Finally, she decided to go the headquarter which was 5 hours from her home town. She is uneducated even today. That time, she didn't know anything and anyone but she just followed the court and asked for justice. The Forty-five years before, even Nepal government didn't consider well that it was injustice or violence of women's right.
Few months struggle, she get rid of from such brutality and stayed at her maternal house. She had fallen on love with bit older guy than her though she accepted and did second marriage. Second marriage was not existence in Nepal that days. She had six children with second husband and happily living in her own territory. Unfortunately, 18 years before her second husband was died. She was alone from her married life. She didn't give up to use colors specially red colors. In Nepali Hindu culture, widow women are not allowed to use red color and join in social functions and gathering. |Mrs Lauri didn't care what society allow or not allow. She just waited for a year for annual death ritual. Then she used all ornaments and clothes at various colors. She also possessed the property form her second husband. Now, she is recognized leader, working in 5-6 various committees and mobilizing community for move forward. She resolved many disputes, conflicts in the community. She leads the cooperatives and many development work in her village.

In Nepal, there are many women leaders who are contributing in local peace building process. They are missing on bush, melting in ice and snow and hiding under ground. The big INGOs, UN's and government peace works can't really reach such inspiring local peace leaders.

I am quite worry that such brilliant leaders are disappearing soon. They are uneducated so not possible to document by themselves through autobiography or songs or any means.  Therefore, the oral history is very important in such areas. 
I have few more photos and videos about her  saying though unable to post due to poor connection.

First time, I met Mrs Lauri in Lashi, Dillichaur, December 2013

She is my inspiration, she is my real model for peace ! My big salute ! 

Garun Puran (A Hindu Holy epic): Truth, Myths and Challenges for empowerment of women, disability...

It is all about a Hindu holy epic called GARUN PURAN that is used during death ritual and defined menstruation, disadbility, diseases, sex, gender discrimination. Today, we specially women and girls are suffering from various forms of violence at home, school, street and everywhere and we are spending so much energy in indirect causes. We need to revise our holy epics which are using at everyday and everyone's life intentionally and unintentionally. Hope you enjoy this facts and opinion.

हिन्दु धर्मलाई जानेर वा नजानेर अभ्यास गर्ने र गरिरहेका कुनै पनि परिवारमा मृत्यू भयो भने गरुड पुराण पढ्ने चलन छ । क्रिया थालेको पांचौ दिनदेखि मैले केटाकेटी बेलामा बुढापाकाहरूको धुइरो नै मान्छे मरेको घरमा गएको, गरुड पुराण सुन्न जान पाइन भनेर मेलापातमा दुखेसो पोखेको बेला गरुड पुराण भन्ने सुनेको मात्र हुँ । बास्तवमा केही पनि थाहा थिएन, जबसम्म मेरी आमाको मृत्यू भएन । मेरो परिवारमा हजुरबुबा, आमा नभएका कारणले पनि होला कसैको मृत्यूका बारेमा ज्ञान नै भएन । २०६६ बैसाख १ गते आमाको स्वर्गाहरोण भयो, म बहिनी र भाई क्रियामा बस्यौं । दिदीहरू र बा शास्त्रमा भनेअनुसार ५ दिन मात्र बस्नुभयो । तर, नून भने खानु भएन १३ दिन सम्मै । बहिनी र मैले नेपाली संस्कारलाई तोड्यौ, जुन सार्वजनिक पनि भयो । मैले आमाको मुखमा दागबत्ती दिए र बहिनी र म १३ दिनसम्म क्रियामा बस्यौ र सबै काम गर्याैँ ।
पण्डित बाको म प्रति विशेष शंका थियो, मैले उनलाई टेरीरहेको छैन, उनको भाषामा मैले शास्त्र विरोधी त्यसैले विवादका बिच दागबत्ती छोरा भइकन दिए । त्यसैले उनी बारम्बार मलाई सम्झाएर सोधिरहन्थे, के गर्ने रे राधा ? गरुडले के भने आदि । गरुड पुराण सुन्दैजाँदा धेरै कुरा मलाई मनपर्ने थिएनन्, झुटा लाग्थे, भ्रम लाग्थे । खप्न नसकेर भनीदिन्थे, ‘आमा मरेको छ, बा मरेको कथा सुनाउनु हुन्छ, कमसेकम मिलाएर आमानै भनिदिनु न जीउदो बाउको अगाडि सुन्न पनि गाह्रो ।’
मेरो आमा समाजसेवामा समर्पित भएकाले गरुड पुराण सुन्न टाढा—टाढाबाट आमाका साथीहरू आउनुभयो, सँधैजस्तो भीडभाड हुन्थ्यो, जुन राम्रो कुरा पनि हो, सबैका अनुहारमा आमा देखेँ । मैले । सबैले भन्थे ‘छोरीहरू क्रियामा बसेको यो गाउँमा पहिलो पटक हो ।’ छोरीहरूलाई न्यास्रो नलागोस भनेर पनि आमा, दिदी, बहिनी, भाउजु, बुहारीको उपस्थिती बाक्लो थियो ।
सँधैैजसो विहान ११ बजेतिर हामी वरण्डामा बसेर गरुणपुराण सुन्थ्याेँ । एकसरो बेरेको सुतीको धोती लगाएर सानो चकटीमा मीलेरबस्नु साह्रै गाह्रो थियो । म बारम्बार चलिरहन्थे अर्थात खुट्टा झमझमाउथे तर पण्डित बाको म प्रति विशेष शंका थियो, मैले उनलाई टेरीरहेको छैन, उनको भाषामा मैले शास्त्र विरोधी त्यसैले विवादका बिच दागबत्ती छोरा भइकन दिए । त्यसैले उनी बारम्बार मलाई सम्झाएर सोधिरहन्थे, के गर्ने रे राधा ? गरुडले के भने आदि । गरुड पुराण सुन्दैजाँदा धेरै कुरा मलाई मनपर्ने थिएनन्, झुटा लाग्थे, भ्रम लाग्थे । खप्न नसकेर भनीदिन्थे, ‘आमा मरेको छ, बा मरेको कथा सुनाउनु हुन्छ, कमसेकम मिलाएर आमानै भनिदिनु न जीउदो बाउको अगाडि सुन्न पनि गाह्रो ।’ प्ण्डित बाको र मेरो भनाभन भइरहन्थ्यो । उनी जे नगर भन्थे म त्यही गर्थँे । यसरी गरुड पुराण सुनेर सकिँदा मेरो मनमा धेरै कुरा आयो । यो मसँगै निक्कै रिसाउछन् बिथ्यामा । मेरो के दोष ? म २१ शताब्दीको शिक्षित, त्यसमा पनि अधिकारको क्षेत्रमा रुपान्तरण खोज्ने व्यक्ती । उनी कतिपय पहिलेको किताब कनिकुथी नमिलाई पढ्छन र मलाई गर्न भन्छन् । यो त एक प्रकारले द्वन्द्वनै भयो ।
‘बिशेषगरी महिला, छोरी, अपाङ्गता भएका व्यक्तीहरूमा पुराणहरूले मानिसहरूको दिमागमा यति बलियो प्रभाव पारेको छ, जसलाई १—२ दिने तालिम, गोष्ठी, रेडियोको भाषण केहिले पनि माथ गर्न सक्दैन । त्यस्तै पुरुषलाई सामाजिक र आर्थिक भार दियो यि शास्त्रहरूले ।’
नेपालमा द्वन्द्व हुने कारणहरूलाई हेर्दा हिन्दू धर्मको धेरै प्रभाव देखिएको छ, धेरै विवादमा आइरहन्छ । बिशेषगरी महिला, छोरी अपाङ्गता भएका व्यक्तीहरूमा पुराणहरूले मानिसहरूको दिमागमा यति बलियो प्रभाव पारेको छ, जसलाई १—२ दिने तालिम, गोष्ठी, रेडियोको भाषण केहिले पनि माथ गर्न सक्दैन । त्यस्तै पुरुषहरूमाथि थुप्रिएको बोझ पनि चानचूने कुरा होइन । पुरुषलाई सामाजिक र आर्थिक भार दियो यि शास्त्रहरूले । मैले म भन्दा पाका नेताहरू –महिला, पुरुष) सबैलाई सम्झिन कोशिस गरेँ । केहि विधवा भेटेँ, कोही भर्खर बा आमा मरेर क्रियाबाट भर्खर निस्केको पाएँ त कोही धेरै पुराना । कोही समाजवादी, कोही साम्यवादी, कोही क्रान्तिकारी । सबैलाई विश्लेषण गर्दै जाँदा धेरैजसो गफी पाए, व्यवहार उस्तै ।
म न धर्मको बिरोधी हु न समर्थक । म राम्रा कुरा सबैको मान्छु, तर, नराम्रा कसैको मान्दिन । मैले सबै धर्मका कितावहरू छोटकरीमा पढेको छु, मन्दिर, चर्च, गुम्वा सबैठाउँ जान्छु । सबैसँग मिलेर प्राथना गर्दा मनलाई शान्ति मिल्छ । मेरो धर्म मानवता भन्दामाथि छैन । म बुझ्ने भएदेखि मैले कुनै पनि फर्म भर्दा धर्मको ठाउँमा केही लेख्दिन, यो मेरो व्यक्तिगत स्वतन्त्रता पनि हो ।
यस पृष्ठभूमिमा पण्डित बासँग सोधेँ, ‘कुन गरुड पुराण पढ्नुहुन्छ बा ?’ संस्कृतबाट नेपालीमा उल्था गरिएको गरुड पुराण धेरै प्रयोग गरिन्छ, किनभने संस्कृतमै विश्वविद्यालय गएका नभई संस्कृत जानेका १—२ कक्षा पढेका वा आफ्नो बाबु बाजेसँग सिकेका पण्डितहरूले संस्कृत र नेपाली दुबै भएको प्रयोग गर्दा रहेछन् । त्यसैले मैले पनि नेपालीमा उल्था गरिएको १६ अध्याय भएको गरुड पुराण किनेँ, पढेँ, तात्पर्यलाई बुझेर सबैमाझ आफ्नो बुझाई साट्न चाहेँ ।
वराणसीबाट २०५८ सालमा प्रकाशन भएको महर्षी वेदव्यासद्धारा लिखितलाई नैै उल्था गरिएको थियो । बास्तवमा गरुड पुराण कहिले लेखिएको हो भन्ने स्पष्ट छैन । तर, उल्लेख गरिएका शब्दका आधारमा कलियूगमा लेखिएको अड्कल काट्न सकिन्छ । पुस्तकमा द्वापर युगको पनि कथन उल्लेख गरिएको छ ।
गरुड पुराण एक प्रकारले रमाइलो कथा संग्रह हो । एकादेशमा एउटा राजा थियो भनेर केटाकेटीलाई भुलाएजस्तै थुप्रै प्रसंग उल्लेख गरिएको छ । गर्भदेखि मृत्यूकाकुरा यस पुराणमा उल्लेख गरिएको छ । २१ शताब्दी, त्यसमा पनि गणतन्त्रले गति लिइरहेका बेला रातदिन मिडिया, सडक, सदन सबैतिर अधिकार, पैरबी, समानता र विकासका कुरा गरिरहेका बेला अधिकाशं नेपालीले प्रत्यक्ष या अप्रत्यक्ष रुपमा अभ्यासमा ल्याएको गरुड पुराणको बिश्लेषण मात्र होइन अनुसन्धान र पुनःलेखन पनि आवश्यक लाग्यो ।
वास्तवमा यो पुराणमा सकारात्मक र नकारात्मक, राम्रा नराम्रा, वैज्ञानिक र मिथ्या सबै प्रसंग उल्लेख गरिएको छ । ती मध्ये केही सत्य प्रसंग म उल्लेख गर्न चाहान्छु । ‘नजानेर छोए पनि आगोले पोल्छ’ कसैले मलाई थाहा भएन, छैन, मैले जानिन भनेर क्षमा पाउदैन, गल्ती आखिर गल्ती नै हुन्छ । मरेको व्यक्ती कहिल्यै फर्कन्न भन्ने सत्य पनि अत्यन्तै सान्दर्भिक छ । भनिएको छ, ‘यदि मानव हजार वर्षसम्म रातभरी शोक गर्दै रहोस्, तर पनि मरिसकेको व्यक्ती फर्केर आउँदैन ।’ (११र५)
यदि भवितव्यलाई टार्न सक्ने भए राम र युधिष्ठर अनिष्ठले पीडित हुने थिएनन् । (११र८)
‘वेद र शास्त्रको अध्ययनले मुक्ति हुन्न, मुक्ति त केबल आत्मज्ञानले मात्र प्राप्तहुन्छ ।’ (१६र८८)
गरुड पुराणले केहि रोगहरू, अपाङ्गता सम्बन्धि पनि उल्लेख गरेको छ । जुन कुनै हिसाबले तर्क संगत वा सत्यता छैन ।
त्यसमा भनिएको छः
  •  ब्राहम्मणलाई मार्ने वालालाई धातु, क्षयको रोग लाग्छ । गौबध गर्नेवाला कुप्रो तथा लठेब्रो हुन्छ । कन्या मार्नेवाला कुष्ठरोगले पीडित हुन्छ । (५र३)
  •  स्त्री हत्या गर्नेवाला तथा गर्भपतन गर्नेवाला रोगी हुन्छ, संयोग स्त्रीहरूको साथ संगम गर्नाले दुश्चर्म रोग लाग्दछ । (५र४)
  •  मासु खाने शरीर अत्यन्त रातो हुन्छ । मदिरा पीउने वालाहरूको दाँत काला हुन्छन् । (५र९)
  •  घमण्डले गुरुलाई अपमानित गर्नेवाला मानिस मीर्गिरोगले पीडित हुन्छ । (५र२)
  •  जो अरुलाई नदिकन स्वंयम मिठाई खान्छ, त्यो गलगाडले पीडित हुन्छ ।
  •  झुटो गवाही गर्नेवाला लाटो, पंक्त्तिभेद गर्नेवाला कानो, विवाहको काटछाट गर्नेवाला खुडे तथा पुस्तक चोर्नेवाला जन्मजातै अन्धो हुन्छ । (५र८)
  •  गाई र ब्राहमणलाई लात हान्नाले लंगडो र खोरन्डो हुन्छ, झुट बोल्नेवाला बहिरो हुन्छ । (५र९)
  •  बीष खुवाउनेवाला जंड एवं उत्तम तथा आगो लगाउनेवाला तालूखुईले हुन्छ । मासु वेच्ने र अर्काको मासु खाने रोगी हुन्छ । (५र१०)
  •  रत्नहरू चोर्ने तल्ला जातिमा जन्म लिन्छ, तामा चोर्नेवाला दरिद्र हुन्छ । (५र१०)
गरुणपुराणले यौनसम्बन्धी जानकारी दिन्छ र नराम्रो काम गर्नेबाट बचाउँछ । कतिपय सन्दर्भमा हास्यास्पद पनि लाग्छ यो पुराण ।
  •  प्रीती भंग गर्ने, स्त्रीलाई त्याग्ने त्यो धेरै समयसम्म चोर हुन्छ । (५र२४)
  •  मीत्रको पत्नी उपभोग गर्ने गद्या हुन्छ ।
  •  गुदा गमन गर्ने सुंगुर, शुद्रसँग संयम गर्ने गोरु, कामूक, व्याभिचारी छ, त्यो घोडा हुन्छ । (५र३१)
यस पुराणले छोराछोरी बीच अत्यन्तै मार्मिक ढंगले विभेद गरेको छ । सम्पूर्ण कितावले नै पुरुष, पति, छोराको मात्र गुणगान गाएको भेटिन्छ । छोरालाई सर्वेसर्वा ठानेको समाजमा उसको मात्र गुनगान गाउनमा सिमीत छ, गरुड पुराण ।
  •  पुत्रवान धार्मिक पुरुषहरूको दुर्गती कहिल्यै हुँदैन ।
  •  जुन छोराले आफ्नो पीतालाई काँधमा राखेर रामनाम शमशान लैजान्छ, त्यसले पाइलै पिच्छे अश्वमेव यज्ञको फलप्राप्त गर्दछ । (१०र१३)
  •  छोरा, नातीले दिएको मासिक, त्रैमासिक पिण्डपानी पितृले खान्छन् । (२र५१, २ र ५३)
  •  क्रिया गर्ने सन्दर्भमा पनि छोरा र छोरी बीच विभेद गरिएको छ । छोरा नहुनेले दाईभाईको छोरा या नातीले क्रिया गरोस् ।
त्यसैगरी केटीहरूको क्रिया सम्बन्धमा पनि गरुड पुराण यसरी विभेद गर्दछ ।
  •  जन्मेदेखि चुडाकरणसम्म जहाँ कन्याको मृत्यू हुन्छ, त्यहाँ जुनसुकै जातको पनि स्नानमात्रले पवित्र हुन्छ । (१३र१४)
  •  त्यसपछि विवाहको वाग्दानसम्म एकदिन र त्यसपछि तीन रात्रीसम्म सुतक लाग्छ । (१३र१५)
  •  वग्दान गरिसकेपछि कन्या मरी भने पीता र वर दुवै कुलले तीन दिनसम्म जुठो बस्नुपर्छ ।
यो पुराणले महिनावारीका बारेमा पनि उल्लेख गरेको छ । आजको दिनमा महिनावारीका बारेमा विद्यमान मिथ्या र अभ्यास लैङिगक समानताका अगाडि घातक सिद्ध भएका छन् ।
  •  आमाले खाएको ज्यादा पिरो, तातो, नूनिलो, अमिलो आदि उग्र पदार्थहरूको स्पर्श भएपछि उसका सर्वाेङगमा वेदना हुन लाग्दछ ।
  •  रजस्वाला भएको ८ दिनपछि धेरैजसो छोरी जनमने सम्भावना रहन्छ । जोर रात्रीमा संभोग गर्नाले छोरा र वीजोर रात्रीमा संभोग गर्नाले कन्याको सम्भावना रहने जनाउँछ । राम्रो सन्तानका लागि पहिलो सात दिनपछि संभोग गर्नुपर्दछ ।

मेरो आमा स्वर्गे भएको ६ वर्ष पुरा भएको छ । मैले त्यतिबेलादेखि नै यसलाई पढ्ने र केही लेख्न इच्छा भए पनि विविधकारणले सकिन । बिशेषगरी जुम्लामा सुरक्षित मातृत्व र छाउपडीमा काम गर्ने मानवअधिकारका विषयमा सरोकार राख्ने व्यक्ती भएकाले जति दिन बित्दै गयो, त्यतिनै पछुतो लाग्दै गयो । किनकी आज एक दिनमा २ जना महिला बलात्कारको शिकार बनेका छन् । महिलाहरूको सम्मान र सुरक्षा, घर, परिवार, समाज, कार्यक्षेत्र कँहि पनि छैन यस्तो अवस्थामा समाजमा हजारौं वर्षदेखि जकडिएर रहेका भ्रम कुसंस्कारलाई बाहिर ल्याउनु आवश्यक छ । यसका लागि पाचँतारे होटलमा सेमिनार, गोष्ठी, कानुनमा गरिएका परिवर्तनले केही हुन्न झैँ लागेर यो जर्मको गरेकी हुँ । यो एउटा प्रयास मात्र हो । म एउटा नर्स पनि भएकाले मलाई चिन्ता पर्नु स्वभाविक पनि हो । गरुड पुराण र यस्ता धार्मिक ग्रन्थहरूलाई अनुसन्धान र पुनःलेखनमा ध्यान जानसके समाजको रुपान्तरणमा सजिलो हुन्थ्यो कि भन्ने लाग्छ ।

RISHIPANCHAMI, Menstruation and My Practice

When I was young, I rarely went to market during an auspicious day of TEEJ ( a red color festival among Hindus specially Nepal origin). But I mostly went to the market along with mom a day after or the next day of TEEJ which is called RishiPanchami. I was in market to watch and care of clothing and other materials of mom and her friends when they were busy in bathing in holy river Narayani and worship (Puja) after bath. It was continued till I graduate from grade ten or before leaving my home for further study after School Leaving Certificate.

Every year, I watched that very young girls were participated in Puja, few were too young and expressed their shyness through their body language. Meantime, the fellow women and priest also passed so many comments which were related with sex, husband, marriage and future. I really felt sorry with them and also kept on thinking about me, ` the day would come where priest would tease me, women would make jokes, friends would be happy..’. The girls who had first menstruation were easily identified because they were come with few unique materials like small water pot made from mud called Ghaito. Therefore, this Puja recognized as Ghaito Puja. I always hate Ghaito Puja, I always scared from Ghaito Puja. I admitted that I was girl, I would menstruate like my mom, my sisters and my friends but I didn’t like to make public by doing Ghito Puja. I knew all process of how and why do women taking bath, what type of materials they do use for holiness or purity since beginning. They should wash their genitalia for 365 times. Means their genitalia were dirty or impure, or one times for a day of a year.  Likewise, they also should have brush of their teeth by 365 green sticks, a kind of herb called Dattiwan and so many things. My childhood brain questioned but no way for response or no way except follow each steps.

Fortunately, I had science and health my majors when I was in high school. Unfortunately, neither health or science teacher taught well about menstruation nor I dared to ask about it. I was good student so far, I passed though I really didn’t understand what menstruation meant? In second year of my nursing course,  I really knew the physiology and its value throughout life and beyond personal gain which gave me strength and courage  to live with proud, proud on my womanhood.

Because I hate Ghaito Puja so I was in offensive mood of it with my mom. Fortunately, I was out of home during Teej means I was in dormitory. Later, I started to educate my mom, sisters, nieces about menstruation, its values and Hindu’s socio-cultural values associated with menstruation. Anyway, I gave up following restriction what my mom, sisters, friends and neighborhood were following regards to it. Later, my mom also started to abolish restrictions gradually. One day, she allowed me to work in Kitchen when I had menstruation during Dashain. Due to having many daughters, my dad really didn’t aware who had menstruation and when, unless first menstruation. He always seeks for cleanliness at person, place and activities.
Without having deep knowledge on gender equality and rights, I had deep but bad feeling on harmful practices specially on menstruation. Because I saw that on my many girl classmates, they were stigmatized when they were absent at class for more than week due to first menstruation or leaking blood at their school dress.  The first menstruation has to hide for few days to month. Thus, it was easily identified by friends, teachers, neighbors and all. In this connection, I had chosen title for my thesis for Bachelor of nursing entitled `the menstrual practice among Newari educated and uneducated women in Gokarna village, Kathamndu.’ During my study I didn’t only knew the various practices across the country including Chhaupadi but also very dangerous practices as well e.g. a same piece of cloths was used by three generation of a family. Later, I went to Jumla where my landlord didn’t touch the foundation of house and slept under sky even during winter or snowing due to Chhaupadi practice. My heart shrank and started to work aggressively however still not getting tail and teeth to get rid of such harmful traditional practice.

I have gone through all religions; Muslim, Christian, Hindu and Buddhism. None of the religion talks about restriction during menstrual period. However, few fundamentalists are not like to disclose about period in Budhhism, Christin and Muslim. In terms of Hindu, the holy epic e.g. Veda doesn't talk about it but Hindu people manipulate the information while time passes. A holy book called Garun Puran (used for death ritual) published by Jaya Nepal 2058 BS, Kachaudi Galli Baranashi,  India, says that menstruation is impure blood which is given by god Indra (6/3). Further it says, during that period not allow to see woman's face.  In Nepali society, we have many such values and saying which imposed women and girls to stay in cowshed, many restrictions for touching, entering, eating, acting and so on. However, I never mind with these all irrational saying and practices. Because I believe in science and nature and respect too. Thus, I am doing everything as normal during my period such as going temple, cooking in kitchen, touching with dad and all. In 2005, I went to Muktinath where I knew that women are priest for Hindu temple which helped to  more empower. Finally, my younger sister and I continued the death ritual during mourning,death of our mom in 2009. While travelling in Jumla, many friends, families and relatives are following very strict norms in front of me because they considered that their family god will angry and everything would chaos e.g. sickness or loss. At the meantime, I was eating at their kitchen and attaining religious programs and all. It is really funny to me. Because none of the hotel would close which is operate by women, none of temple of goddess closed for seven days, none of working women take 5 days leave during her period. All are moving from east to west, north to south but the problem with us because we are living still under extreme ignorance, chronic deprivation and excessive poverty. In other hand, it is a primary barrier to bring women in 33 % participation where women are suffering from political, cultural, social, economical etc opportunities at family and community level and encountered various forms of physical, mental, psycho social, financial burden and torture including rape, death due to restriction related to menstruation.
At last but not least, I am expecting all women and girls will abandon this unscientific and irrational practice and will try to do best `for living with dignity as human being as men.

Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature