Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The ways to eliminate Chaupadi or menstrual taboo in Nepal

Due to deep rooted harmful traditional practices, need comprehensive and collective efforts to eliminate the Chaupadi or menstrual taboo.
  • 1.       Educate people about culture, its formation, evolving process and its essence in 21th century
  • 2.       Developed policy briefs including pictorials, documentaries,…. and disseminate massively on Chaupadi a culture based gender based violence
  • 3.       Extensive engagement with media workers/houses in order to unpack feudal mindset regards to Chaupadi and menstrual taboos
  • 4.       Engaged with men and  faith healers and use them as resource person and change makers
  • 5.       Awards, felicitations to those women, men, faith healers, families who transformed
  • 6.       Publication and dissemination of inspirational stories on why and how they break the cultures
  • 7.        Worked with schools in order to educate and creating enabling environment in schools Engaged with political leaders, school teachers, social leaders
  • 8.       Media mobilization: radio jingle, radio programming including box pops from the field and policy makers
  • 9.       Multisectoral; education, health, economic, assistance required
  • 10.   Long term commitment required from the donors, networks and actors
  • 11.   Policy enforcement should ensure from the government
  • 12.   Required depth and wider studies to understand the direct and indirect adverse effects of the taboo
  • 13.   Constant monitoring, follow up and evaluation should required  
  1. (This is points which is prepared and share for the Mr. Suman Baral who is doing his thesis on Chaupadi).

Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature