Monday, November 23, 2015

Appeal to NRNA, Nov 12, 2015

Dear NRN community across globe,
Greetings !
Thank you very much for your tireless support to your home country. It is highly appreciated.
Here, I am appealing to all NRN members to think more critically and constructively while giving back to your home country.
I do agree and respect, it is very diverse group by caste, interest, ideology, gender, expertise, experience and all.
Charity is important but not way for transformation and sustainable development.
Nepal is still in crisis for strategic leaders for economical and political transformation. Emotionally, anyone can donate some money and can give very sugarcoated lectures but doesn't produce positive RESULTs for sustainable development.
I am sure, many of you down your face in front of others due to Nepal's poor identity in many ways. Here in Nepal, I noticed many of us are living in 3000 BC 's time as mentioned in Stonehenge, London. This is our reality. We have to accept and combat too.
In this connection, I do wounder why such organized,professional NRN institution is not learning from its long experience of giving back and global discourse.
Regards to current ‪#‎indiasblockade‬, I saw three things broadly;
1. Internationalize the humanitarian crisis in Nepal
2. Invest for economic independence: start small, medium and big plans/projects where Nepal can rise by our self
Furthermore, please focus energy to small and medium level enterprises through seed money, fellowship, training, researches, mentoring and big investment on tourism, power and transport.
3. Pressurize government and political leaders to remain accountable towards nation and people.
If I understood correctly, we are Nepali before having a representative of a political party, caste, region, religion and all. No matter how much you rich or expert, you are Nepali.
Sorry if I hurt to any of you and tagging you all.
In Love, Peace and solidarity,
Radha Paudel,
PS: I have spoken March 9, 2015 with NRN UK at London for same, Action Works Nepal shared same idea in Australia in 2012 for same.
Nrna SpokespersonNrn NccNRN's President - Shesh GhaleLcc Nrw Nrn GermanyNRN NetherlandsNRNA NigeriaNRN USANRNA CENTRAL,NRN UK 2013 - Yogen ChhetriNrn AustriaNRN IrelandNRN एन आर एन,
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