Monday, August 7, 2017


I am sick, neither I can go private hospital nor aboard.
I am sick,neither I can get access to with specialist nor info at public hospital.
I am sick, neither I can live nor I can die, state of restlessness.
I am sick, .. and more sick, because neither my immunity work nor my state.
I do care, what I believe.
I do care,what I experience.
I do care, what I need.
I do not care, whether the political parties support or not.
I do not care, whether my friends support or not.
I do not care, whether politicize the issue or not.

I cried, but no one listen.
I appealed, but no one listen.
I petitioned, but throw in dust bin.
डा. गोविन्द के सी बचाऊ अभियान (Save IOM, Save Dr. Govinda K C)

Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature