Sunday, June 23, 2013

Miteri Gaun-Let's Live Together Campgain

Miteri Gaun,

A village of choice of your!
You can live together,
Get dignity, justice and equality forever.
You may from south, may from north,
Possibly from east and west,
But Miteri never ask,
What is your color, region, religion and caste ?
No discrimination at all !
Miteri beyond marriage and blood,
Everyone mutually bonded with love !
Ocean starts from drop,
Drop oozing from your heart.
Humanity builds your heart,
Heart connects with heart.
Penetrating in to each deprivation,
Miteri Empowering and inspiration!
What and wherever you are, you are human,
Easily reachable,once google for AWON.
Welcome your cash, kind and volunteerism,
Valued each action,free from frustration.
Uniting for CAUSE
Choosing unique strategy to get rid of inhumanity
Your Miteri Gaun,
A village of choice of your's !
You can live together,
Get dignity, justice and equality forever!

Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature