Saturday, July 11, 2015

To Kantipur Daily News Paper

When I was awake up and turned on my mobile, I saw the post of Dorche who was rescued by a famous, powerful political leader Yogesh Bhattaria according to the story.  I checked the people who like and who shared. I become mad by reading the people's mindset. I saw corrupt mindset on all of them. They are seeing system, nation building, they are not worried about the children who are out of school in same village, they don't see villagers who are suffering from extreme poverty and so on but they are pleasing a guy, a politician and demonstrating their feudalistic attitude and behavior. At the name of power, they all praising the bad thing. Few people were angry with me. 
If we talk with Nepali people, everyone like to see peace and prosperous country but no one like to challenge or take risk or investing for the nation. when I read the comments of my respected brother Vijay Lama  I was so disappointed. He also praising him by saying that Nepal has hard time due to Earthquake so each efforts count.

Yes, each effort counts but not for bad things, bad things is always bad no matter whether we have Earthquake or not. In Nepal, most of the famous people don't know the other dimensions of the development such as human right, gender justice, peace building, empowerment  in depth so they are cultivating bad or corrupted culture in to the society. The innocent Nepali folks trust them, shape either mind as their ideal showed which is very harmful practice.
Indeed, Yogesh was absolutely  doing wrong thing, more importantly the Nayapage  online was also doing more wrong by publishing the wrong message at the name of power. It is very clear example of promoting corruption and injection bad culture. A young leaders from progressive political party, whose party is in government should think in very louder. He can do more. Today, Nepali community is looking for young leader from any party, many of us watching to Rabindra Adhikari, Gagan Thapa , Yogesh and so on because we fade up with stereotyped leadership since long.
If any leaders come up with best plan, they can be hero of Nepal but neither Naya page, nor Yogesh nor his friends do understand the gravity of the concern and mis lead the Nepali community. The media is key means to educate and empower the Nepali society. Here, I don't like to discuss in details, there are many dimension to discuss. But I would say, if I were in Yogesh place, I would apologize for this wrong step and also asked to online to remove the story from their page because he is losing his who really are working beyond the limits, taking risk for the nationa building.

कान्तिपुर ताप्लेजुङ्बाट सबै गोठला बच्चाहरुको कथा छापिदेउन बिन्ती
बधाई छ दोर्चे, योगेश, राधिका, गोपाल, कान्तिपुर सबैलाई.
उनिहरुलाई बधाई दिनेको धुईरो थियो देस बिदेशबाट .
कम्प्युटर चलयेका हुनाले शिछित सम्झनै पर्यो तर कस्तो नमिठो नमिठो , पक्षपाती शिछित सस्कार . 
बेक्तिगत रुपमा म कसैलाई चिन्दिन, ॠषिबी हुने त कुरै भएन
तर सस्कार बदलीयन् कतिपनी ? प्रश्न गर्ने हुन्न वा अर्को बिचार नै नाऔने भो ।
सम्झे कती धेरै मानिसहरुले आफ्नो गास काटेर बच्चाहरु पडाएका छन,मैले चिनेका पनि धेरै छन .
अफगनिस्तान गोली र बारुद् को निश्वास लिएर स्टाफ नुर्से पढ्न सहयोग गर्ने नेपाली देखी ज्याला दारी गर्नेहरु छन । यहाँ पत्रीकामा कुरा आयो आएन भन्ने होएन हामी कहिले सुध्रने भन्ने हो ? हामीले चाकडी कहिले सम्मा गर्ने र कल्लाई गर्ने हो । के देश एसरी नै बन्न सक्छ ?
सबै भन्दा पुछारमा परेको कर्णालीमा कती केटाकेती एस्ता होलान् भन्ने हैन ताप्लेजुङ्मा नै एस्ता केटाकेती कती होलान् ? आज्को दिन्मा पनि स्कुले बच्चा गोठालो जिबन बस्ने पर्ने वाध्यत, आजको दिन्मा पनि रिन लिन्लाई शाहउजीलाई दोग्नू पर्ने अवस्था ?
एउटा बच्चालाई साथी भाई, पाटी सबै गुहारेर के ताप्लेजुङ्को गरिबि घट्छ, सबै बच्चाले पढ्न पाउछन् ? के आमहरुले पैसा पाउछन् घर बेभार चल्छ ?
के उनिलाई ताप्लेजुङ्को गरिबि थाहा पाउन कान्तिपुर नै पढ्न पर्छ ?
के उनी यो देशको नेता होएनन उनिले ताप्लेजुङ् मात्रै सम्झे पुग्छ ?
यस्तै पारले सबै बच्चा स्कुल जाने, सबै आमा रिन मुक्त हुने र यो देशको गरिबि घट्ने हुन्छ ?
के हामीले हाम्रा होनहार युवा नेताबाट खोजेको यस्तै बिकास हो ?
म येदि योगेश्को ठाउमा ( पैसा, शक्ती, सम्बन्ध) भएका भये कम्तिमा त्यो लेलेप ३ टाशी गाउमा एउटा एस्तो योजना सुरु गर्थे । मलाई त्यहाँको थ्यक्कै बस्तु स्थिती थाहा छैन कल्पना गरेर भन्दै छु।
गाई वा भेडा फारम शुरु गर्थे, जहाँ दोर्चे का परिवारले जागिर पाउथे, वा उनिहरु आँफै रिन लिएर बेबसाये गर्थे। स्कुलमा राम्रो पढ्ने बेबस्था मिलाउथे, शिक्षक, पठन् पाठनका सामाग्री र अन्य बेबस्था पनि .
एस्को साथ्साथै फोन, ईन्टरनेट आदीको बेबस्था गरेर एउटा नमुना गाउ बनाउथे , १ बर्ष पछी एही मोडेल पाटिमा पेश गर्थे र नेपालको दुर्गाम गाउहरुमा कमुनिस्टले भने जही दीप छर्दै जान्थे । सरकारमा भएका बेला ताक परे ब्रिद भत्ता (incentive for older people) जस्तै सस्थगत गर्थे । सरकारमा जान नसके कम्तिमा आफ्न जिल्ला बिकास समिती भएका जिल्लामा प्रयोग गरेर नेपालको बिकासमा टेवा पुराउथे
जो भनी आए तेही उठि गयो को भनी बसनी भने जस्तै प्रगतिशिल पातिका होनाहार युवा नेताको बुद्धी त आएन आएन तर उन्का समर्थक हरुको पनि उस्तै बुद्धी .
आफ्ना मान्छेलाई राम्रा कुरा सिकाउन भन्दा नराम्रा कुरमा सहयोग र समर्थन गरी गरी यो देश उभो लागेन । (My sincere apology for Nepali typo errors)
Yogesh Bhattarai

ताप्लेजुङ लेलेप –३ टाँसीगाउँका दोर्ची शेर्पाको यसरी फर्किन्दैंछ खुसी काठमाडौं : बुवाको बर्खान्तमा लागेको ऋण भुक्तान गर्न नसकेर गोठालो बस्न बाध्य ताप्लेजुङ लेलेप–३ टाँसीगाउँका दोर्ची शेर्पा ऋणबाट मुक्त भएर पढ्न पाउने भएका छन् । १० वर्षे दोर्ची अब साहुको घर छोडेर शहरको...

Comment from friends, I copied from facebook, you can follow in Facebook as well.

Pramila Dewan Salute for your kindness.From my eye you are not a only a leader you are a kind hearted person.No need to worship the god . god is inside the of soul of children who are deprive on food education health service and shelter.

Radha Paudel Dear Pramila Dewan sister, do you read the entire comment what I am saying ? I am not praising to Yogesh Bhattarai, and all his suporters. I am challeging to all to think more loudly.

Pramila Dewan Radhji I have read thoroughly about this little poor boy . Really my heart was broken. But somehow he is able to get help . whatever ur concerns problems are here which are not being able to address. However in this matter problem is solved.If there is will there is a way .perception could be different.

Radha Paudel Pramila Dewan Thank you for reply. You are hero in Nursing profession, you are leader. We expect something significant systemic change in nursing profession under your leadership not a intensive care of an patient. The person like Yogesh should think and enact loudly, he is hero, hope of many of us. His energy should focused on system building not for an individual. He is doing as other ordinary people which may not help for nation at long term. It is very temporary solution. Do you analyze how many people he mobilize for the sake of thiss work. If someone really love and respect to Yogesh Bhattarai, they have to provide the creative, constructive feedback not for the bad think and Yogesh jee also should change his mind set if he like to be hero for all young Nepalese. Do you see Yogeshjee is doing less than a lay man, less than NGO, I don't know him Radha Paudel Pramila Dewan Thank you for reply. You are hero in Nursing profession, you are leader. We expect something significant systemic change in nursing profession under your leadership not a intensive care of an patient. The person like Yogesh should think and enact loudly, he is hero, hope of many of us. His energy should focused on system building not for an individual. He is doing as other ordinary people which may not help for nation at long term. It is very temporary solution. Do you analyze how many people he mobilize for the sake of thiss work. If someone really love and respect to Yogesh Bhattarai, they have to provide the creative, constructive feedback not for the bad think and Yogesh jee also should change his mind set if he like to be hero for all young Nepalese. Do you see Yogeshjee is doing less than a lay man, less than NGO, I don't know him personally. But he is my relative in other way. He is my GURUBa from my nursing profession. I respect him.I want to see his bright future. So I am giving him creative, constructive feedback as a conscious citizen as well as his best wisher. By this message, I humbly request to everyone to think about the future of nation and grooming leaders. Hope you will agree with me.


Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature