Friday, March 11, 2016

Menstrual Restriction in Patiyani, Chitwan, Nepal

March 11, 2016

In coordination with Nyayasam Nepal, Chitwan,specially Sabitri Bhandari, I have spent 3 hours on menstrual restrictions and women empowerment at Pakaudi Bazzar, Patiyani, Chitwan. The following points discussed;
  • All participants (N-30) have been practising menstrual restriction
  • The menstrual restrictions includes; touching, entering in to Kitchen, temple, not allow to do worship for 5- 7 days
  • Surprisingly, 7 years old boy is cooking during period of his mom. He shared that he didn't like to cook but no way,mom guide from the corner and I cooked. I felt bad while cooking but happy that I never ever have menstruation. 
  • They used cotton clothes mostly. Few women rarely use the sanitary pads while going to market. Sanitary pads is expensive for them.
  • There are few changes among young girls though women don#t like to break by themselves due to fear from god or culture.
  • According to their daughters, school hasn't have facilities for girls e.g. no water supply at toilet, no disposal practice, pads were spread across area of toilet.
  • Grand parents also imposed for practising the restrictions
  • Women counted two days if they have period at night, they like to deduct the days due to hardship in managing restrictions e.g. cooking by small kids during period 
  • Most of the them, kept their daughter's at neighbour's house during first menstruation. Many of them also hadn't go to school.

  • Sanitary pads, sample for making locally, side 1

    Sanitary pads, sample for making locally, side 2
    Sample of handmade washable sanitary pad for discussion
Radha simply discussed about the sex and gender, shared her experience in menstrual restriction and how she broke all traditional practices since last 30 years where people didn't speak at all. She also discussed on policy regarding menstrual restrictions.

Bimala BK shared her point of view 

Women Leaders at grass root

Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature