Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Road: Nagchenagle, China from Gamgadi,Mugu

About a month ago, Naresh Bhandari called me for meeting. It was really big surprised. I knew him when he was underground. I met him several times in district level meetings, advocay and protest activities in Kathmandu but we never talk at personal level. I fully aware that he is the young action oriented politician and writer. During meeting (at restaurant of Kalikastha), I honestly said that he tested me for about 2 decade. I have never mind, I am ready to work with condition. The campaign for development should be non political because I never paint myself as political affiliation and will not too as well. I welcomed his offer because I am seeking for leader who simply believe in results, actions not for the lips service. I also have proposed with all political leaders from Karnali specially from Jumla several times. Unfortunately, no one get back to me regarding the work or actions.

I had meeting with him at Action Works Nepal's office a following a week and discuss in more details and division of work. Based on that, he prepared concept note in Nepali and I prepared in English. I started to meet, share, discuss about it such as with Binod Chaudhary, Paras Khadka, Bikram Pandey etc. We also met with Uttam Blon Lama, Saroj Dahal, Bikram Pandey.

Finally, the member of it increasing and we had organize a two different meeting in 16 March 2016 at meeting hall of Action Works Nepal and OUTLINE Media.The details will share later, here few pictures for reference.

Meeting with Political Parties from Karnali to discuss about the way forward
Meeting with Political Parties from Karnali to discuss about the way forward 

Meeting with govt employees  from Karnali to discuss about the way forward

Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature