Tuesday, April 19, 2016

#Jumlahospital, #C-section, #Bloodtransfusion

When Dr Nilamber Jha was presenting his three years’ experience in Karnali Academy Institute of Health Science as Recter at BPKIHS, Dharan in April 15, 2016,  I was smiling because he was saying that the circumstances of Jumla hospital was so challenging due to local staff’s dadagiri, geography, scary flights, languages and so on.

He went there in 2012 with lots of power delegated by cabinet, an intelligent, with bunch of facilities and group of men. What was happening just 10 years before where there was nothing telephone, road, power and the peak timing of Maoist Insurgency.

He also didn’t say a single word about the history of Jumla hospital when it started, how it was operated and how the first blood bank and C-section were initiated. Likewise, other members of academy e.g. Naresh Bhandari always talked about Jumla hospital from 2012 too, he never ever appreciated the foundation of hospital which had started its first C-section from dressing room, constructed a maternity ward and operation theatre from 2001 to 2004.

Thus, I was sharing these photos from the profile of Jumla hospital which as prepared by myself as record of all activities during my first tenure of Jumla hospital. It was matter of her history instead of his story too. I have very long story during these days though I simply given a summary. I may write in details in future if everything going well.

This the brief history of Jumla hospital from 2001 -2004. Ms. Radha Paudel, worked in Jumla Hospital as Human Resource Development Officer under Nepal Safer Motherhood Project. The hospital was called as district hospital Jumla but the services was look like sub health post where only emergency and outpatient cases dealt for general cases or not included the obstetric and Gyane due to lack of human resources with trained and positive attitude.

Ms. Radha was played as pilot where the rest of team members were worked and the things made happen. Here, this paper is organised by collecting the information from Jumla hospital and shared because it is very important for historians as well as the health history of the Jumla.
The surgery for C-section, blood bank was started as first time in Karnali. Likewise, the obstetric complicated cases were managed first time at Jumla hospital such as vacuum delivery, Pre-eclampsia and use of Magnesium Sulphate, Post Abortion Care (PAC).  It has very long and complex story, will share later. If any of you interested to know more, please write at rpaudel456@gmail.com

Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature
