Tuesday, May 24, 2016

#Menstrualhealthhygiene, Thames College, #Menstrualrestriction

To mark International Menstrual Health Hygiene day May 28, have been doing so many activities as personal as well as Action Works Nepal.
May 23, 2016, had a guest lecture and interaction program with students at Thames International College, Kathmandu.

Have heard very sad stories as well as many new followers to break the silence as follows

  1. The restriction is following across country, students shared their experiences from Kathmandu, Jhapa, Mahendranagar etc
  2. They simply follow the restriction for the sake of parents. But there were few students who really didn't care anything
  3. One boy from Rai family from Jhapa, helped to bought sanitary towel when his sister came to home with crying, it was his first time to know
  4. few boys only knew the real meaning of menstruasjon when they were garde 9 though there is some classes from grade 6.
  5. Almost all said that the Information or teaching on menstruation is very superficial and teachers also hesitate to teach about it.
  6. One lady didn't follow here grand mom instruction for not touching to dad but she did. About 3 weeks later, dad passed away and gand mom always blamed her as causal for death. In the beginning she also felt bad but now she knew and no single regret.
  7. One boy from Kathmandu didn't understand the word of MAHARANI ( big queen) while his dad calling his mom every month, later, he founded that it was for period.
  8. A Christian boy doesn't practice at all in his family
  9. A buddhist lady also doesn't follow they knew that Nun also continue their worship during period
  10. A lady had drank cow's urine, imposed by her grand mom for the sake of purity. Her grand mom also sprinkle the urine across her body and clothes for purification.
  11. A lady was not following the practice since long where everyone was shouting her, now days, when she started to get failure on her work. She started to think that these failure were because of not following the restrictions during period.

Video show on Chhaupadi

Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature
