Friday, July 15, 2016

RARA: A Venture of Love, Inspiration and Pride

Namaste, where are you from?
Jumla?  A tiny boy responded somewhere middle of the group.
Jumla! Where? I was thinking, the group of students were from somewhere nearby Rara village. They were replying with reading data of Rara National Park at the premises of Rara Lake.

Friday, July 8, 2016

each idea or action leads either liberation or exploitation

यो Status Especially महिला पत्रकार तथा सम्बन्धित Stakeholder महिला मित्रहरुको लागि; प्रेस काउन्सिलका एक पदाधिकारीले आजको Gathering लाई देखाउँदै भन्नुभयो, " ल हेर्नुस्, तपाईँहरु महिला प्रतिनिधित्व भएन भन्नुहुन्छ; बोलाउँदा उहॉहरु आउनुहुन्न। आज पनि टन्नै महिलाहरु बोलाएको हो, खोइ त उहॉहरु ?"
हुनपनि, आजको छलफल महत्वपूर्ण नै थियो।
कोसँग गुनासो गरौँ ?

Thank you Amrita jee for posting. It is NOT a time of complaining; it is time for REFLECTING. There are many questions to reflect. Did you dare to ask the name list of women ? why did they seek particularly these women ? why did they not come ?++++
It is the outcome or result of our way of working in over last 2 decades. This question is very crucial to think, ask and reflect by both state and non -state actors and by both men and women lead organizations. We can’t change the things what we have done earlier but we have enough opportunity to take corrective action. Today is the time for ACTIONs, not for saying. We refined our destination or dream but we hesitate to redefine the strategies. Means we don’t like to leave the comfort zones at large. Men are equally responsible for such situation so they are not supposed to give shatter too. Here, I humbly request to think everyone whether your each idea or action LIBERATE people or EXPLOIT or contribute for PEACE or CONFLICT..

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Education in Bhi Village,Mugu

How is a high school  operating in the most remote and poor village called Bhi, Mugu. What I saw myself. It#s a great tragic, how can children learn and think about give to back nation.

This is the class room at Bhi village, Mugu, June 2016

Sunday, July 3, 2016

comments on quality of women in literature

आपको मौसम छ, आप मात्रै भनेर के गर्नु थरी थरिका आप छन । कुनै कुनै आप हिउदमा पनि फलाईंछन । तेस्तै हो साहित्य पनि ।

Friday, July 1, 2016

#ISEC Kathmandu With

Miteri Recycle Center (MRC) started by Action Works Nepal in 2010. It has long and panic story, you can watch Video under MRC. Since then I am using clothes from MRC.

MRC participated at first International Social Entrepreneurship Conference at Hotal Hyat, June 30 and July 1, 2016.

Very few member are interested to continue it, but I don't like to give up. It has huge scope and great social impact. I am person for action not for saying. Might my friends feel lose their height to talk about MRC nowdays.

Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature