यो Status Especially महिला पत्रकार तथा सम्बन्धित Stakeholder महिला मित्रहरुको लागि; प्रेस काउन्सिलका एक पदाधिकारीले आजको Gathering लाई देखाउँदै भन्नुभयो, " ल हेर्नुस्, तपाईँहरु महिला प्रतिनिधित्व भएन भन्नुहुन्छ; बोलाउँदा उहॉहरु आउनुहुन्न। आज पनि टन्नै महिलाहरु बोलाएको हो, खोइ त उहॉहरु ?"
हुनपनि, आजको छलफल महत्वपूर्ण नै थियो।
कोसँग गुनासो गरौँ ?
Thank you Amrita jee for posting. It is NOT a time of complaining; it is time for REFLECTING. There are many questions to reflect. Did you dare to ask the name list of women ? why did they seek particularly these women ? why did they not come ?++++
It is the outcome or result of our way of working in over last 2 decades. This question is very crucial to think, ask and reflect by both state and non -state actors and by both men and women lead organizations. We can’t change the things what we have done earlier but we have enough opportunity to take corrective action. Today is the time for ACTIONs, not for saying. We refined our destination or dream but we hesitate to redefine the strategies. Means we don’t like to leave the comfort zones at large. Men are equally responsible for such situation so they are not supposed to give shatter too. Here, I humbly request to think everyone whether your each idea or action LIBERATE people or EXPLOIT or contribute for PEACE or CONFLICT..
Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature
Accidentally received after four years. Read till end. Sep 7, 2014 /fwf kf}8]n hL ckl/lrt kf7ssf] gd:sf/ . Sep 6 zlgaf/sf] lbg k/]...
I have advised to use the following slogans to all organisations who are interested to organise programs related to MHM. 1. M...
Namaste, Salam Alekam and good morning, All protocols observed. ü I would like to extend my sincere thanks and gratitude for this awar...