Saturday, November 19, 2016

USA Trip 2016: Activities at Various places

This is my fourth trip to USA. I was invited by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for giving presentation on Menstrual Health Management in Nepal. Shanta and myself joined and contributed in five days program.

There were so many talks,discussion at LA, Texsas, Florida. Few Photos were shared here (Please scrolled down).
Meeting with Ashok and Madhu Patel, at Texsas 

Meeting at Texas with Tennis Player

At UF Dr Willium, Dr Kellerman and Anila 
Speech at UF
Nepali Students at UF after Talk 
Brochure at Sanatafe College

Presentation at RHSC on #MHM as panelist at Seatle, October 13, 2016
Meeting with Dr Nitin Shah at Jain Center,LA
Marking #girlsday2016 at PATH office, Seattle, October 11,2016
At Bill and Melinda Foundation October 14,2016 
News Coverage by Florida's newspaper 
News Coverage by Florida's newspaper 
Brochure by University of Florida 
Meeting with President of Nurse Union , discussed with professional rights 
Meeting at Tika'shouse,October 24, 2016Add caption
Meeting with Mohan Gurung, Commissioner at Washington
with with Nancy Muller, October 11, 2016
Peace Summit sharing on peace building at various countries of world 
Tatoo of Menstrual cup; Shanta, Radha and Nancy
Karen, Poet  from Seatle at RHSC 
Meeting with Rebeka, VSO volunteer at Bill and Melinda Foundation 
Menstrual Cups at PATH

Meeting with Faculty members at Sanata Fe College, Florida 
Professor and Mayor 
Dr Kellerman and Vilma at Sanata Fe College 
Serving at Florida 
Dr Kellerman  teaching me balling 
Gift receiving from Vilma afater Talk 
Nursing lab observation on blood transfusion
Nursing lab observation at Sanata Fe College 
Nursing lab observation at Sanata Fe College 
Nursing lab observation at Sanata Fe College 
Nursing lab observation at Sanata Fe College 
Faculty members 
Special thanks to Shanta, Dinesh, Raj, Sujay, Lynn, Edmund for managing domestic flights and taking care of me as well as joining the hands for cause !

Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature