Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Women Deliver Conference 2019, #WD2019

Attained Women Deliver 2019
Dignified Menstruation Puppet in Booth 160 
Honored to participate as Humanitarian Delegate 
The outlook of the place just west side of the Vancouver Convention center 
Met Gerda and Kristina from Sweden who worked for menstruation
Internal Decoration of Conference 
The side of east building of VCC
$20 for this Crispy Tofu Rice at Cactus Club Cafe, next to the conference 
Accidentally saw during pre-conference for humanitarian delegates in Fare amount Hotel 
This was for me, the special invitation 
Internal Decoration of wall
Helen Clark, Former PM, New Zealand
Minister from UK who took name of mine because of my comment for panel 
Inaugural song by indigenous people along with Rt. Hon. PM Justin Trudeau, Canada whom I dying to meet 
Inaugural Speech by Hon. PM Justin Trudeau
College from AmplifyChange 
With Ankit Gupta from Amplify for Change 
Melinda Gates 
With Katja Iversen, CEO of Women Deliver 
Katja and me were kissing for women's power 
Met Lauren from USA 
My dream woman, Jacqueline founder for Acumen and writer of Blue Sweater 
Prof Chris Bobel, met after 4 years of conversation, my coach 
With team member of Be Girl
Erin Kenny after 8 years 

Sophie Trudeau at Closing ceremony 
ferry for Victoria Island 
Totem in Victoria 
Government Building at Victoria 
Rojita, Myself, Pratima and Bhawana were in Victoria Trip
Whale by flower at Victoria 
Totem in Victoria 

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In front of Odetteæs house at Victoria where we had launch 
Former Hon. PM Helen Clark, New Zealand, key note speaker for Humanitarian Advocacy 
Marcy Hersh, Program manager for Humanitarian who shared the invitation letter with me
Panel for Humanitarian Work always challenging and inspiring 
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Katherin whom I met 6 years later, spoke as power talk at Humanitarian Advocacy
Former President from Finland, closing remarks on Humanitarian Advocacy
Canadian Minister 
Minister from UK

Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature