Thursday, September 23, 2021

Talking points of Interview, Sweden


Know about you and what inspired your work on dignified menstruation and menopause

Namaste, god morgan, good morning, good afternoon and good evening  

Thank you so much for having me. On behalf of GSCDM, I am humbled and honored.

·      Today, people call me as Former anesthetic Nurse, converted as Author, activist and founder for global network called global south coalition for dignified menstruation

·      Regards to inspiration: Its about four decade’s long struggle, pain and passion though I grouped in three levels.

ü Childhood History:

o   At the age of 7, or 40 years back, I was deeply traumatize by knowing the menstruation that it is sin from god therefore, needed to follow restrictions and you would have same once you grown up.

o   At the age of 9 years, I ran away from home for committing suicide because I did not like to live as girl child, an impure and unwanted baby.

o   At the age of 14 age, I had first menstruation, I ran away from home again for avoiding all restrictions what my three sisters and mother were followed.  

o   Later at the age of 15, I went to nurse school where I enlightened and started to speak on menstruation.

ü Learned from failures and mistakes:

o   Earlier days of menstrual journey, I also thought that menstruation is a matter of hygiene. I worked so hard but the thing were not changed. Meanwhile, when I started to do visited various parts with diverse ethnic groups in Nepal and outside.

o   I learned that menstrual discrimination is everywhere across the globe at different name, forms and magnitude.

o   The underlying cause of impurity that leads silence, ignorance, fear, resistance.

o   More importantly, I knew that it was not only five days bleeding. It’s matter of life cycle of menstrurator.

o   The current GESI or Gender and Social Inclusion policy did not address the menstrual discrimination. And menstrual discrimination is a political and human right concern.

o   It’s a matter of dignity. Each menstrurator deserved the dignity throughout life cycles within identities.

ü Misinterpretation of stories from ground:  

o   In Nepal, In 2017, government of Nepal developed the policy on dignified menstruation which was most innovative and holistic approach. But the people and organizations who were there for policy drafting they did not talk about dignified menstruation at all even while conducting international conference.

o   At Global level, I observed misinterpretation of menstrual issues and stories at the name of funds and expertise which were not true. Even the UN and other big organizations are not seeing the menstrual discrimination is underlying cause for constructing patriarchy and violence at home and everywhere.

o   In this connection, I wanted to change the narrative in order to change the world. Despite having zero funds, and having pain and passion, I determined and amplify the campaign on dignified menstruation.  


Dignified Menstruation and Dignified menopause

o   Here, let me conclude that the dignified menstruation is a state of freefrom all forms of stigma, taboos, shyness, restrictions, abuses, discriminations associated with menstrurators throughout their life within all identities.

o   That means DM is matter of womb to tomb. Thus, the dignified menopause is element of DM. I always believe that dignified menstruation equals to dignified menopause. Its two sides of coin.

o   Unfortunately, the menstruation and menopause is not priority of stakeholders. If we compare in two phenomena, I saw bit positivity  or excitement towards menstruation for the sake of marriage and baby but menopause is totally hiding under the shadow.

o   No matter whether it is natural or chemical and surgical menopause, the journey might not guaranty for smooth landing. In other words, some of them have the harassed life where they intended to quit their life. The partner, family and workplace must acknowledge and work around it.

o   I am further inspired for dignified menopause because of my two sisters had surgical menopause and they had tough life after surgery. Merely the silence on dignified menopause. It is human right, not a privilege thus every one including government should take accountability for it.

o   In this connection, I we have been working on dignified menopause a part of dignified menstruation umbrella framework.

o   To amplify the voice of dignified menopause, on the 3rd International Dignified menstruation Day, 8th December, Together with friends Helen and Sarah from Scotland and England, GCSDM will be hosting the summit on dignified menopause.  

o   Just finished the translation of book called surgical menopause in Nepali we would launch by 8th International Dignified Menstruation day.  


2. The actual work you are doing

o   I am working 24/7 for dignified menstruation at national and global level simultaneously. Due to lack of funds, I could not ask others to ask for anything.

o   Primarily I am focusing on two levels:

National level:

o   Strengthened the campaign called dignified menstruation Nepal where 40 fellows from 12 organizations who represent all provinces, working around dignified menstruation.

o   As a think tank member for ministry of Women, Children and Senior citizen, Continuously working for incorporate the DM as cross cutting concern

o   Also engaged as expert for other ministries such as Ministry of Health, Education , water supply and forest and environment

o   Speaking engagements with media, CSOs, youth clubs, networks  etc.

International Level:

o   Expand the networks for GSCDM, here, I also call to every listener to visit our website  and get membership. It is free and less than a minute work

o   Continue engaged on educating the friends/organizations, build leadership on dignified menstruation

o   Conduct research and publication – child marriage and menstrual discrimination

o   Speaking engagement in Universities, CSOs, UN, Global Networks and everywhere wherever possible

o   Published books and contribute in book chapters, journals


3. The challenges and the breakthroughs

I am experiencing challenges since I started to hear about menstruation. But the nature of challenges are changing.  

·      Zero funding –

Since the DM is innovative and holistic approach. We need to produce the evidences, pilots for educational models, publications etc. But it is heavily compromised due to zero funding.

For example, the dignified menstruation friendly workplace has significant relationship with economic empowerment. In the absence of dignified menstruation friendly workplace, neither the young menstrurator who is menatruarting nor adult menstrurator who is approaching pre menopause or menopause could work with decent manner. I am sure that the dignified menstruation has connection with GDP. Unfortunately, no one see this is an important concern. It is one of the goal out of 17 SDGs, under the global slogan, leave no one behind.


Usually, global funding organizations formed such coalition and operate as their interest where there is enough fund and other resources. In Nepal and globally, few of the funders know about us but yet to accept us as leader. In other hand, we also trying to submit proposals where we failed to comply there criteria regards to financial transactions. We bring the impact at global level but we can’t demonstrate the audit reports with high volumes. 


·      Resistance –

1.     As I said earlier, DM itself innovative approach in the discourse of human right, development and feminism. Since 2017, we exclusively started to speak about DM in Nepal and globally. Many organizations which are working around menstrual hygiene or SRHR or empowerment, they yet to accept the urgency of dignified menstruation.

2.     The organizations who are working around menstrual hygiene, they still do not accept that the menstrual pad or toilet or water is important but not guarantee the dignity.

3.     Likewise, organizations which are working on women empowerment or peace, they yet to acknowledge that the undignified menstruation is the source for power and patriarchy.

4.     The organization who are working around SRHR also only focus on physiological descriptions of menstruation but not considering the complex nature of menstruation and its negative consequences throughout the life cycle of menstrurator.  

5.     There is clear cut cold war or tug of war between the organizations who are working on DM and not. For instance, my name from speaker’s list erased just 24 hours before the program which was confirmed 2 weeks before. The donor who is working for water and hygiene, asked me to delete my speaking engagement, the organizer shared.


·      Blaming, pulling

Laugh ……..Every day, myself and my team blamed because we are working for dollars, we are disruptor of culture, anti-Hinduism etc.

Also experienced blaming every day. Just currently, I am heavily under attack from few media people, artist, and parliamentarian because I questioned them.


·      Threatening

Often I received the life killing threaten because I am speaking about dignified menstruation from religious people and big NGOs who have money.


4. The future including the work of the Global South Coalition

o   I believed that My future of DM journey is very bright at personal level and GSCDM

o   I will be finishing my PhD very soon.

o   Another book on DM for girls with NeuroDevelopmental disorders are on the way

o   The translated version of Surgical menopause on the way

o   Dignified menopause global summit on the way

o   Globally, many stakeholders who are working around GBV, Human right, SRHR they are tired and looking for the new strategies. They would accept the Dignified Menstruation as new strategy to overcome the pending issues.

o   Because the menstrual discrimination constructs and shape power and patriarchy which is new shift on a course of human right, development and feminism globally. Now, they are denial phase but will understand soon and the world would be more dignified to all menstrurators within all identities

Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature