Sunday, June 26, 2022

Menstrual Discrimination in Badikhel, Lalitpur

The total students were 27 who 19 girls, boys 8. Among them, 24 belonged with grade  and rest of them belonged with grade 9. Except two, all were belong with Pahari, indigenous community. 

Both girls and boys shared that they have been practicing menstrual restrictions at their home such as restricted for a single room for 7 days (not allow to see any male members, sun, mobility even within home etc.), not allow to enter or cook in kitchen, not allow to touch male members, performed any religious activities. Likewise, not allow to touch the plants, flowers, fruits during menstruation.

In school, there is silence around menstruation, students recognized the state of menstruation as  “Girls Problem . The feedback (Complain) mechanism is missing in the schools. Lack of knowledge and skills around the menstrual products.

In this connection, discussed on menstruation, dignified menstruation friendly home, school, role of boys, role of school, role of girls. Also discussed about the fundamental rights related with dignified menstruation, menstrual policies.

The school has to incorporate the dignified menstruation in to school policy, plans including budget. 


Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature