Thursday, July 30, 2015

Euthanasia is only one solution no matter whether people love or not

बरगेलति मायाको भिडमा,
फेरि सहनु परने त आफै ।
आमेरिका पुगे नि के
पोलने पोलिहालने,
दुखने दुखिहालने ।
खालि छ मायाको झोला,
भितोहारुको दरशन,
लउरिको टेको,
ठिमुराको सितन,
किरतिम हावा ।
यउटै साहारा ।

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Kathmandu should burn for women's movement

नेपालमा महिला अधिकारका सन्दर्भमा आन्दोलन भएकै छैन। आन्दोलन भएकै आधारमा हुने गर्छन् परिवर्तनहरु प्राय जसो । २०६२६३ को आन्दोलन होस् वा थरुहट वा  मधेश वा अरुकुनै आन्दोलन होस् सबैमा महिला मात्र प्रयोग भएको जग जाहेर छ । अहिलेसम्म प्राप्त अधिकार पनि सहनुभुतिले प्राप्त भएको भन्ने देखिन्छ। अन्तरिम संबिधानमा प्राप्त भएका अधिकारलाई मसौदा संबिधानमा कटौती गर्ने हक कसलाई छ ?

कटौती भयो, भनेर अब बालुवाटार, बनेस्वोरमा चिच्एर अर्थात ग्यापन् पत्र बुजाउने, फोटो खिच्ने, पत्रीकामा लेख्ने गरेर केही हुन्न, त्यो गर्नु भन्दा चुप लागे हुन्छ।

एतिखेर महिला मानब अधिकारमा विश्वाश गर्ने जो कोही, राजनीतिक पार्टिका महिला, युवा महिला सन्जाल र महिला अधिकार कर्मिहरु एक भै फरक एतिहसिक आन्दोलनको आकस्मिक् आबस्एक छ ।    

यहाँ यो आन्दोलन नेत्रित्व गर्ने नेता चहीएको छ, जसले शान्तिपूर्ण आन्दोलन जस्तो आमरन् अनसन बसोस, एउटा बस्छ, एक्छिन वा केही समयको अन्तर्मा स्वतह आमरन् अनसन म बस्नेहरु बड्दै जान्छ, र मास आमारन्मा परिवर्तन हुन्छ। अर्को समुह बाटोमा सन्केतिक तर महिला आन्दोलनका अनौठा बिधी आपनौछ जुन संसारकै लागि नौला आएम हुन्छन ।
समय पर्खिदैन, यो समय गाउ गाउमा मसौदामा के छ के छैन भन्ने हैन, काठमाडौं शन्तिपूर्ण आन्दोलनले जल्नु पर्छ,    
This is the reaction while I read news as below link

Saturday, July 11, 2015

To Kantipur Daily News Paper

When I was awake up and turned on my mobile, I saw the post of Dorche who was rescued by a famous, powerful political leader Yogesh Bhattaria according to the story.  I checked the people who like and who shared. I become mad by reading the people's mindset. I saw corrupt mindset on all of them. They are seeing system, nation building, they are not worried about the children who are out of school in same village, they don't see villagers who are suffering from extreme poverty and so on but they are pleasing a guy, a politician and demonstrating their feudalistic attitude and behavior. At the name of power, they all praising the bad thing. Few people were angry with me. 
If we talk with Nepali people, everyone like to see peace and prosperous country but no one like to challenge or take risk or investing for the nation. when I read the comments of my respected brother Vijay Lama  I was so disappointed. He also praising him by saying that Nepal has hard time due to Earthquake so each efforts count.

Yes, each effort counts but not for bad things, bad things is always bad no matter whether we have Earthquake or not. In Nepal, most of the famous people don't know the other dimensions of the development such as human right, gender justice, peace building, empowerment  in depth so they are cultivating bad or corrupted culture in to the society. The innocent Nepali folks trust them, shape either mind as their ideal showed which is very harmful practice.
Indeed, Yogesh was absolutely  doing wrong thing, more importantly the Nayapage  online was also doing more wrong by publishing the wrong message at the name of power. It is very clear example of promoting corruption and injection bad culture. A young leaders from progressive political party, whose party is in government should think in very louder. He can do more. Today, Nepali community is looking for young leader from any party, many of us watching to Rabindra Adhikari, Gagan Thapa , Yogesh and so on because we fade up with stereotyped leadership since long.
If any leaders come up with best plan, they can be hero of Nepal but neither Naya page, nor Yogesh nor his friends do understand the gravity of the concern and mis lead the Nepali community. The media is key means to educate and empower the Nepali society. Here, I don't like to discuss in details, there are many dimension to discuss. But I would say, if I were in Yogesh place, I would apologize for this wrong step and also asked to online to remove the story from their page because he is losing his who really are working beyond the limits, taking risk for the nationa building.

कान्तिपुर ताप्लेजुङ्बाट सबै गोठला बच्चाहरुको कथा छापिदेउन बिन्ती
बधाई छ दोर्चे, योगेश, राधिका, गोपाल, कान्तिपुर सबैलाई.
उनिहरुलाई बधाई दिनेको धुईरो थियो देस बिदेशबाट .
कम्प्युटर चलयेका हुनाले शिछित सम्झनै पर्यो तर कस्तो नमिठो नमिठो , पक्षपाती शिछित सस्कार . 
बेक्तिगत रुपमा म कसैलाई चिन्दिन, ॠषिबी हुने त कुरै भएन
तर सस्कार बदलीयन् कतिपनी ? प्रश्न गर्ने हुन्न वा अर्को बिचार नै नाऔने भो ।
सम्झे कती धेरै मानिसहरुले आफ्नो गास काटेर बच्चाहरु पडाएका छन,मैले चिनेका पनि धेरै छन .
अफगनिस्तान गोली र बारुद् को निश्वास लिएर स्टाफ नुर्से पढ्न सहयोग गर्ने नेपाली देखी ज्याला दारी गर्नेहरु छन । यहाँ पत्रीकामा कुरा आयो आएन भन्ने होएन हामी कहिले सुध्रने भन्ने हो ? हामीले चाकडी कहिले सम्मा गर्ने र कल्लाई गर्ने हो । के देश एसरी नै बन्न सक्छ ?
सबै भन्दा पुछारमा परेको कर्णालीमा कती केटाकेती एस्ता होलान् भन्ने हैन ताप्लेजुङ्मा नै एस्ता केटाकेती कती होलान् ? आज्को दिन्मा पनि स्कुले बच्चा गोठालो जिबन बस्ने पर्ने वाध्यत, आजको दिन्मा पनि रिन लिन्लाई शाहउजीलाई दोग्नू पर्ने अवस्था ?
एउटा बच्चालाई साथी भाई, पाटी सबै गुहारेर के ताप्लेजुङ्को गरिबि घट्छ, सबै बच्चाले पढ्न पाउछन् ? के आमहरुले पैसा पाउछन् घर बेभार चल्छ ?
के उनिलाई ताप्लेजुङ्को गरिबि थाहा पाउन कान्तिपुर नै पढ्न पर्छ ?
के उनी यो देशको नेता होएनन उनिले ताप्लेजुङ् मात्रै सम्झे पुग्छ ?
यस्तै पारले सबै बच्चा स्कुल जाने, सबै आमा रिन मुक्त हुने र यो देशको गरिबि घट्ने हुन्छ ?
के हामीले हाम्रा होनहार युवा नेताबाट खोजेको यस्तै बिकास हो ?
म येदि योगेश्को ठाउमा ( पैसा, शक्ती, सम्बन्ध) भएका भये कम्तिमा त्यो लेलेप ३ टाशी गाउमा एउटा एस्तो योजना सुरु गर्थे । मलाई त्यहाँको थ्यक्कै बस्तु स्थिती थाहा छैन कल्पना गरेर भन्दै छु।
गाई वा भेडा फारम शुरु गर्थे, जहाँ दोर्चे का परिवारले जागिर पाउथे, वा उनिहरु आँफै रिन लिएर बेबसाये गर्थे। स्कुलमा राम्रो पढ्ने बेबस्था मिलाउथे, शिक्षक, पठन् पाठनका सामाग्री र अन्य बेबस्था पनि .
एस्को साथ्साथै फोन, ईन्टरनेट आदीको बेबस्था गरेर एउटा नमुना गाउ बनाउथे , १ बर्ष पछी एही मोडेल पाटिमा पेश गर्थे र नेपालको दुर्गाम गाउहरुमा कमुनिस्टले भने जही दीप छर्दै जान्थे । सरकारमा भएका बेला ताक परे ब्रिद भत्ता (incentive for older people) जस्तै सस्थगत गर्थे । सरकारमा जान नसके कम्तिमा आफ्न जिल्ला बिकास समिती भएका जिल्लामा प्रयोग गरेर नेपालको बिकासमा टेवा पुराउथे
जो भनी आए तेही उठि गयो को भनी बसनी भने जस्तै प्रगतिशिल पातिका होनाहार युवा नेताको बुद्धी त आएन आएन तर उन्का समर्थक हरुको पनि उस्तै बुद्धी .
आफ्ना मान्छेलाई राम्रा कुरा सिकाउन भन्दा नराम्रा कुरमा सहयोग र समर्थन गरी गरी यो देश उभो लागेन । (My sincere apology for Nepali typo errors)
Yogesh Bhattarai

ताप्लेजुङ लेलेप –३ टाँसीगाउँका दोर्ची शेर्पाको यसरी फर्किन्दैंछ खुसी काठमाडौं : बुवाको बर्खान्तमा लागेको ऋण भुक्तान गर्न नसकेर गोठालो बस्न बाध्य ताप्लेजुङ लेलेप–३ टाँसीगाउँका दोर्ची शेर्पा ऋणबाट मुक्त भएर पढ्न पाउने भएका छन् । १० वर्षे दोर्ची अब साहुको घर छोडेर शहरको...

Comment from friends, I copied from facebook, you can follow in Facebook as well.

Pramila Dewan Salute for your kindness.From my eye you are not a only a leader you are a kind hearted person.No need to worship the god . god is inside the of soul of children who are deprive on food education health service and shelter.

Radha Paudel Dear Pramila Dewan sister, do you read the entire comment what I am saying ? I am not praising to Yogesh Bhattarai, and all his suporters. I am challeging to all to think more loudly.

Pramila Dewan Radhji I have read thoroughly about this little poor boy . Really my heart was broken. But somehow he is able to get help . whatever ur concerns problems are here which are not being able to address. However in this matter problem is solved.If there is will there is a way .perception could be different.

Radha Paudel Pramila Dewan Thank you for reply. You are hero in Nursing profession, you are leader. We expect something significant systemic change in nursing profession under your leadership not a intensive care of an patient. The person like Yogesh should think and enact loudly, he is hero, hope of many of us. His energy should focused on system building not for an individual. He is doing as other ordinary people which may not help for nation at long term. It is very temporary solution. Do you analyze how many people he mobilize for the sake of thiss work. If someone really love and respect to Yogesh Bhattarai, they have to provide the creative, constructive feedback not for the bad think and Yogesh jee also should change his mind set if he like to be hero for all young Nepalese. Do you see Yogeshjee is doing less than a lay man, less than NGO, I don't know him Radha Paudel Pramila Dewan Thank you for reply. You are hero in Nursing profession, you are leader. We expect something significant systemic change in nursing profession under your leadership not a intensive care of an patient. The person like Yogesh should think and enact loudly, he is hero, hope of many of us. His energy should focused on system building not for an individual. He is doing as other ordinary people which may not help for nation at long term. It is very temporary solution. Do you analyze how many people he mobilize for the sake of thiss work. If someone really love and respect to Yogesh Bhattarai, they have to provide the creative, constructive feedback not for the bad think and Yogesh jee also should change his mind set if he like to be hero for all young Nepalese. Do you see Yogeshjee is doing less than a lay man, less than NGO, I don't know him personally. But he is my relative in other way. He is my GURUBa from my nursing profession. I respect him.I want to see his bright future. So I am giving him creative, constructive feedback as a conscious citizen as well as his best wisher. By this message, I humbly request to everyone to think about the future of nation and grooming leaders. Hope you will agree with me.


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

BBC, CNN Aljazeera ..

BBC, CNN Aljazeera ..
Breaking news ! Breaking News !
Earthquake  7.9…7.4
Aftershocks 5.6….6.4
Earthquake occasional vibrant
Aftershocks, ….. very phenomenal  
Will be gone soon !
Should be gone !
People are moving
People should be moved one
Who CARE????
I was shaken
I am shaking
I will be shaking !
Shaking each seconds
Dying each moment
Losing huge cost
It was shake more than 9
The seismograph was mis-read  
Donor community mis-lead
Government escape L
Fake commitment, flaws laws
Shaking each seconds
Dying each moment
Losing huge  cost

BBC, CNN Aljazeera ..

Monday, July 6, 2015

Kantipur Daily News Paper कान्तिपुर ताप्लेजुङ्बाट सबै गोठला बच्चाहरुको कथा छापिदेउन बिन्ती

बधाई छ दोर्चे, योगेश, राधिका, गोपाल, कान्तिपुर सबैलाई.
उनिहरुलाई बधाई दिनेको धुईरो थियो देस बिदेशबाट .
कम्प्युटर चलयेका हुनाले शिछित सम्झनै पर्यो तर कस्तो नमिठो नमिठो , पक्षपाती शिछित सस्कार .
बेक्तिगत रुपमा म कसैलाई चिन्दिन, ॠषिबी हुने त कुरै भएन
तर सस्कार बदलीयन् कतिपनी ? प्रश्न गर्ने हुन्न वा अर्को बिचार  नै नाऔने भो ।
सम्झे कती धेरै मानिसहरुले आफ्नो गास काटेर बच्चाहरु पडाएका छन,मैले चिनेका पनि धेरै छन .
अफगनिस्तान गोली र बारुद् को निश्वास लिएर स्टाफ नुर्से पढ्न सहयोग गर्ने नेपाली देखी ज्याला दारी गर्नेहरु छन । यहाँ पत्रीकामा कुरा आयो आएन भन्ने होएन हामी कहिले सुध्रने भन्ने हो ? हामीले चाकडी कहिले सम्मा गर्ने र कल्लाई गर्ने हो । के देश एसरी नै बन्न सक्छ ?
सबै भन्दा पुछारमा परेको कर्णालीमा कती केटाकेती एस्ता होलान् भन्ने हैन ताप्लेजुङ्मा नै एस्ता केटाकेती कती होलान् ? आज्को दिन्मा पनि स्कुले बच्चा गोठालो जिबन बस्ने पर्ने वाध्यत, आजको दिन्मा पनि रिन लिन्लाई शाहउजीलाई दोग्नू पर्ने अवस्था ?
एउटा बच्चालाई साथी भाई, पाटी सबै गुहारेर के ताप्लेजुङ्को गरिबि घट्छ, सबै बच्चाले पढ्न पाउछन् ? के आमहरुले पैसा पाउछन् घर बेभार चल्छ ?
के उनिलाई ताप्लेजुङ्को गरिबि थाहा पाउन कान्तिपुर नै पढ्न पर्छ ?
के उनी यो देशको नेता होएनन उनिले ताप्लेजुङ् मात्रै सम्झे पुग्छ ?
यस्तै पारले सबै बच्चा स्कुल जाने, सबै आमा रिन मुक्त हुने र यो देशको गरिबि घट्ने हुन्छ ?
के हामीले  हाम्रा होनहार युवा नेताबाट खोजेको यस्तै बिकास हो ?
म येदि योगेश्को ठाउमा ( पैसा, शक्ती, सम्बन्ध) भएका भये कम्तिमा त्यो लेलेप ३ टाशी गाउमा एउटा एस्तो योजना सुरु गर्थे । मलाई त्यहाँको थ्यक्कै बस्तु स्थिती थाहा छैन कल्पना गरेर भन्दै छु।
गाई वा भेडा फारम शुरु गर्थे, जहाँ दोर्चे का परिवारले जागिर पाउथे, वा उनिहरु आँफै रिन लिएर बेबसाये गर्थे। स्कुलमा राम्रो पढ्ने बेबस्था मिलाउथे, शिक्षक, पठन् पाठनका सामाग्री र अन्य बेबस्था पनि .
एस्को साथ्साथै फोन, ईन्टरनेट आदीको बेबस्था गरेर एउटा नमुना गाउ बनाउथे , १ बर्ष पछी एही मोडेल पाटिमा पेश गर्थे र नेपालको दुर्गाम गाउहरुमा कमुनिस्टले भने जही दीप छर्दै जान्थे । सरकारमा भएका बेला ताक परे ब्रिद भत्ता (incentive for older people) जस्तै सस्थगत गर्थे । सरकारमा जान नसके कम्तिमा आफ्न जिल्ला बिकास समिती भएका जिल्लामा प्रयोग गरेर नेपालको बिकासमा टेवा पुराउथे
जो भनी आए तेही उठि गयो को भनी बसनी भने जस्तै प्रगतिशिल पातिका होनाहार युवा नेताको बुद्धी त आएन आएन तर उन्का समर्थक हरुको पनि उस्तै बुद्धी .

आफ्ना मान्छेलाई राम्रा कुरा सिकाउन भन्दा नराम्रा कुरमा सहयोग र समर्थन गरी गरी यो देश उभो लागेन । (My sincere apology for Nepali typo errors)
Yogesh Bhattarai​

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Equal Citizenship: Walking from Back

Of course, my heart was broken when I read the draft constitution via facebook via Rabindra Adhikari. I was literally tear off and it was very spontaneous.  Many of my children, friends, and relatives from across Nepal are suffering from due to not having equal citizenship rights. They represent all gender, caste, region, religion and so forth. I don’t like to explain each detail now. I spent unlimited time to process for their citizenship.

I reflect the history of Nepal. In my 40 years history, I experienced everything; monarchy, constitutional monarchy, democracy, republic democracy and eagerly waiting to experience of federal republic democracy. It is huge change. When I compare with other neighboring countries, Nepal has jumped in policies in many ways. Regards to the women’s movement, no doubt, there are some changes in policies but merely absence of changes in daily life of majority of women in Nepal.  In terms of citizenship rights, now the country is walking from back, completely from back, it is a clear and crystal picture of the condition of women in future.

The society is getting different shape due to globalization and other changes within and outside of the society. Many things are beyond control even tough to minimize. Nepal has already failed to enforcement of the policies and laws. It is ashamed to me how the political parties/leaders and government is itself visioning about the country by undermining the equality. Do they forget the notion of ` no women, no peace, no peace, and no development’? It is very obvious fact that many things or rights hindrances due to not having equal citizenship rights. It would be a big mistake in a history of Nepal if it wouldn’t take in account during finalization process of constitution.

There are more than dozen of reasons for not getting equal citizenship rights. I found few very critical barriers behind it; i) women don’t do the protest as other movement such Tharuhat, Madesh etc. , ii) the movement whatever taking place yet is deeply divided by 3 PS; politics, property and position.  Sometimes, I feel ashamed while going through even facebook update. The principle of `everyone boss’ is applied because each ready to provide suggestions, not ready for taking risks and ignore or escape if there is no any benefit e.g. money. Consequently, the movement is so fragile, unilateral and tapering till end iii) elite captured is the another big challenged. Anyone can lead the issue from the international experience but in Nepal, it has very big gap between have’s and have’s not.  Many Have’s not adopt elites but elites are falling to show such behavior largely. Taking photo with rural, poor or survivor is not evidence of that you are leading the issue of entire women or you are leading with empathetic mindset.  It is funny that many men are struggling with masculine character as given by society where as masculine women are always living with privileges. The shield was so thick to penetrate and reaching to the bottom that needs huge resources, strong wiliness and finally ACTIONs and iv) scarcity of leadership within women’s community. The so called women leaders are failed to capitalize the energy from bottom, more focused on individual vision or interest, the blindfolded followers of men folks. In many cases, they are forgetting their broader role of women’s movement and confined within a project, NGO, money, benefits and so on. Due to convolute with politics, the situation is really helpless and hopeless and long way to go to get equal rights in citizenships and everywhere.

When the draft constitution is denying the equal citizenship rights, the various forms of protest are in progress.  I do support to protest in a way and the other around.  I am working on it when I obtained it in 1990. Of course, I didn’t know much the advocacy groups/NGO stuffs during these days. It was so organic. I raised the issues of citizenship in various forums and lobbied, facilitated the process of it for many women in Jumla since 2001. I have enough evidences e.g. member of national women commission. I also spoke at national conference held in Hotel Radisson, I went there along with Durga Pokhrel, PhD in 2004. I knew many women leaders since then but they didn’t recognize me yet because I am from Jumla (Jumli), and I haven’t many things as elite and urban women possess. I have eaten dinner in couples of times at very specific places and time. I spoke the needs and values of citizenship rights in rural settings like Karnali. Many journalists were discussed with me about the gravity of it.

My story is only a representative story of many women who are working since the citizenship rights in Nepal 2019 BS in bottom. Our experts’ friends and expert’s journalist usually love to use the information but not like to know the potentiality and pain and always considered as ignorance, junior and incapable. In such circumstances, without having a single voice or unity, how Nepali women can possess equal citizenship rights.

The current protest is only for the protest, the same people, same actions, same mindset. How do we bring the change? Where the commitment papers are where as political leaders spoke, put their signature? Does any one analysis the amount of money spent for the citizenship in Nepal? How many times politicians attained the program, spoke, express their verbal and written commitment ….Again, is only a matter of women? Where are the young gender responsive male politicians?  Can women sit in mass hunger strike at national level? Can women who have connection or membership with political parties say no or resign from their political affiliation? There are so many unanswered questions to cross the limit of comfort zones.

Here,  the backward steps in constitution regards to equal citizenship right shows that men are in deeply hurt and seeking to protect their manhood by blocking it because there were all men in decision making process of constitution drafting process. Shame !

Venue: Shanta Susana, LA

Message -Screening Rights Festival'

Dear audiences,

Namaste and Greetings from Nepal !

Thank you for joining this `screening rights festival’.

My sincere apology for not able to be there due to unavoidable circumstances.

Everyone talking about right, women’s right by saying, by words in papers. Do you believe that these women are enjoying there right? These women are living their only 36 years where as national average of life expectancy is 65 years and 81 years in Kathmandu. Donors are spending so much $$ at the name of peace, participation and empowerment of women and for women. With living  60 days in cowshed in a year by following so many restriction in eating, dressed up, mobility, do women bring their individual and collective agency to enjoy their rights.

Donors are also blind folded; they merely challenged themselves whether they are investing in underlying causes disempowerment at rural areas or not. 

Do you imagine how do women are following all restrictions under tarpaulin after earthquake? The magnitude of menstrual restriction is varying though it is practicing across the world where Nepali are living including here in London. I have evidences.

Is having period curse ? Do you think these Women considered less than animal?  How do they live in cowshed during 7 months long winter with 3 fit snowing and without any alternatives for cold. They were raped, beaten, sexually harassed, killed, bitten by snake and wild animal etc. Who is calculating the cost of staying cowshed? Thus, I urged, I appealed for critically think for paradigm shift on rural women empowerment in Nepal.

I have many stories to share though like to conclude by challenging you, what would happen if you were born over there as `Chhapadi’ women?

Thank you so much for watching. Congratulations Elena, her team and women who are suffering from same. I encourage to visit website; and I am available at facebook, email , stay on touch.

Have a good day

Radha Paudel,
Founder President of Action Works Nepal
Author, Khalangama Hamala 2014
Social Worker 2013
Women Peace Maker 2012
N-Peace Award 2012

Saturday, July 4, 2015


Commitment is always beyond words,
River flowing, wind blowing, can't stop
Can STOP the flows of wrong ideas, 
Can Divert the negative thoughts !
Commitment is always beyond words 
Human have anger, sorrow and grief
Human also have love, respect and peace
Commitments is always beyond words !!!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The viral about Agriculture minister and its impact....

किर्सी मन्त्रिको भाईर लले उबजाएको .......

Photo: copied from,

Sorry for poor Nepali typing 
२०७२ साल एतिहसिक भुकम्पले मात्र बनेन कि असार पन्द्रको किर्सी मन्त्री हरी पराजुलिको हर्कतले पनि। देखे, सुनेका सबै कुरा सत्य हुँदैनन। तर जे देखियो राम्रो देखियो, परिनाम् पनि राम्रो भो सस्किर्ती तोडियो अर्थात नयाँ सस्किर्ती बन्यो। फेस्बुक, तुईटर, पत्र पत्रीका, टेलिभिजन मार्फत प्रमाण एकैछिन्मा भाईरल बन्यो । अधिकारका अकालत प्रती बित्रिस्ना राख्नेहरु पनि एकएक न्यायको मैदान्मा हिलो छ्यपे र फलये पुषतौ पुस्ता फल्ने फल। हिलो छ्याप्ने देखी कुर्सी पल्तौदा सम्मका बहस्ले सिङो नेपाली समाजको सामाजिक न्यायप्रतिको बुजाइ छर्लङ पारेको छ जुन सबै सचेत नागरिकको लागि खुराक हुन सक्छ वा पर्छ ।
एउटा एस्तो समुह देखा पर्‍यो जसले सम्मान खोज्ने दाउम आँफै सम्मान लिना लाएक रहेनन ।  फलाम ले फलाम पिटेझै भयो अर्थात अस्लिल्का  लागि अस्लील नै प्रयोग भयो।  जुन नहुनु पर्थ्यो दुर्भाग्य नै भयो। अर्को एस्तो जानकर समुह जो अधिकारका बारेमा ठुल् ठुला सभामा यौन हिन्सका बारेमा बोल्छ, फेस्बुकमा आफ्नो सक्ती र पद देखैरहन्छन, चुक्क पनि गरेनन, मुक्दर्सक बने । शायद उनिहरुलाई पनि पद् र शक्तिकै धङ्धङी हुदो हो। देस बिदेस जानेको अर्को समुह गर्ज्यो, गाउले सोझा महिलाको बिचार  प्रस्तुत भएन वा समाचार एकोहोरो भो। महिलाहरुको पो बेजत भो। पत्रकारिताको सिदान्तका हिसाबले सही देखिये पनि न्यायको दृष्टिकोन्ले निउट्रल देखियो जुन किर्सी मन्त्रिकै बच्चाउ हो भलै बच्चाउ गरे भन्ने नभुजेको होस्  केही जान्ने खुतिनेहरुले राजनीतिक अभिबेक्ती दिये भने यो अती रन्जना भो, राजनीतिक फोहोरी खेल हो राजनीतिक पार्टिले जे गरेनी हुन्छ, उनिहरुका घोषणापत्र जनता फकाउने हतियार मात्र हुन अर्थात जनता उस्तै छन   अर्को समुहले आफ्नो हर्कत देखायो महिल अधिकार कर्मी खै कहाँ गये ? महिला माथि हुने हिन्सा महिलाको मात्र सबाल हो, महिला ले मात्र ठेक्का लिनु पर्छ भन्ने बुजाइ। यो सामाजिक साझा सबाल हो,अझै पुरुशरुले नेत्रित्व गर्नु पर्छ भन्ने नि सुस्म ज्ञान कहिले आउने हो कुन्नी ? केहीले भने घरमा  आमा  दिदिबैनी  रहेनछन कस्तो मन्त्री ? आजका दिन्मा आउँदा पनि एस्तो सोचैले के नेपाल बन्ला? महिललाई सम्मान गर्ने घरमा आमा दिदी छोरी भएर होइेन महिला पुरुष जतैकै अधिकार प्रदत मनब हो भनेर कहिले बेबहार गर्दो हो यो समाज  
माननिय मन्त्री ज्युको कोलहल सुनियो, किशोर हैन, ६२ बर्षको बुदो अनी बुडापाका महिलहरु, कसरी त्यस्तो सोच्नु ? गन्तन्त्र नेपालका त्यो पनि प्रगतिशिल पाटिका नेता , अनुसन्धान आनुभव मा विश्वाश गर्ने कि नगरने ? पिन्ड खाने उमेर्काले  गरेको हिन्सा, हिन्सा हुन्न कि क्या हो? सार्वजनिक ठाउमा पनि हिन्सा हुन सक्छ ? मन्त्री ज्युका तर्क सुन्दा बैराग्नै छुट्छ ? आबज बिहिन्हरु, शक्तिबिहिन्हरु लाई सक्तीसालीहरुले जहाँ पनि शक्तिको दुरुपायोग गर्न सक्छन भनेर बामे काकाको प्रसीछन लिएको दिएको बिर्सेंछन कि क्या हो जस्तो   रमाइलो मुडमा थियौ, होलिमा रङ, असारमा हिलो खेल्नु स्वाभाबिक होरे मन्त्रिज्युको सफाइ। गीत, उखान, किताब आदी लैङिकमुखी बनैरहेका सन्दर्भमा अस्लील बोल्न , गर्न कसलाई छुट हुन्छ होला? के होलिमा रङ जसरी मन लाग्यो त्यसरी खेल्न पाईन्छ नियत राम्रो थियो, नराम्रो लागेको भये छेमा मग्छु रे मन्त्रिजु रक्सी खाएको थिए, बेसुर भये तेसैले बलत्कार गर्न पुगेछु हजुर छोडिनुस् ।।।।पुलिस सर भने जस्तो भएन ? यो सरासर मिथ्या कुरा हो प्रगतिशिल नेताले छेमा माग्न पनि कती कन्जुस हो ? अग्रगमी भाषान गर्नेले गल्ती स्विकर गर्न, छेमा माग्न कती गाह्रो हो ? यो सरासर पुरुस्वतवको प्रमाण भएन ? मिडियाले उचाइ थप्यो रे मन्त्री ज्युले भन्या, मिडिया धर्मले वा रिस्ले वा जे सुकै कारण्ले भएनी राम्रो गरे, बिशेषगरी यौन हिन्साका कुरा बाहिर आउन सक्दैनन, किनभने अनतत परम्पाराबादि अदालतले प्रमाण खोज्छ, पीडितको भनाइ नै पहिलो प्रमाण भन्ने भाषान मात्रै हो ति फोटो रिस्ले एनिमेसन गरेर बनएका होइनन भुज्नलाई पडेलेखेकैइ विद्वान चाहिन्छ
नेपाली समाजको सचित्र चित्रन हो घटना हो भिविन्न बिचार  हुन्छन नै तेस्मा पनि पित्रिसत्तालाई चुनौती दिने कुरा चान्चुने हैन    महिलाहरुले बोल्नु पर्दैन ? हिलोमा फ्याक्न सकिदैन भन्ने विद्वानहरु भेतिये के सबै महिलाले अहिलेको नेपाली समाजमा आफुलाई हिन्सा भएको अनुभव गर्न सक्छन? के अनुभव गरे भने सजिलै बिरोद गर्न सक्छन ? के नेपाली घर, स्कुल, समाजले नो भन्न सक्ने सस्कार सिकएको ? मन्त्रिको शक्तिको अगाडि खेत रोप्ने महिलाले नो भन्न वा हिलोमा फाल्न सक्छन ? बिरोद्का लागि बिरोद गर्ने सस्कार कहिले ढोलिदो हो     के पुरुस्ले बोल्नु पर्दैन ? तिनै फोटो खिच्ने पत्रकारले पनि बिरोद गर्न सक्दैनथे ? मर्द पुरुष त्यो जसले हरेक लैङिक हिन्साको बिरुदमा उभिन्छ मानब अधिकारको सम्रछन गर्छ नि हैन ?
एस्तो पनि पढ्न पाएयो, आगो आईमाई उस्तै हुन रे , महिला भन्नु पर्छ भन्ने कुरा फेरी पनि बिर्सिएछन क्या हो ? कसैले पनि प्रश्न गर्न आट् गरेनन के महिलाहरु साचिकै आगो हुन ? सदै आगो हुन्छन ? महिलाहरु पानी मात्रै के बरफ हुन तेसैले घर, कार्यालय, बाटो सबै ठाउमा हुने हिन्सका घटना घुट घुटी निलेर, जिउदै मरिरहेका छन   
अब महिलाहरुको पत्रकार सम्मेलन बिलौन पनि उदेक लाग्दो छैन ? एसका पछाडि धेरै कारण हुन सक्दैनन; ) महिलह्ररुले शक्तीवान मन्त्रिको माया लगेर तेसो भन्न सक्छन  कि उनिहरुलाई हेपिये, हिन्सा भयो भन्ने नै थाहा छैन जस्तो आज पनि श्रीमानले कुट्नु सामान्य हो नि ? दलित आँफै बाहुनका घर भित्र पस्न हिच्किचौनु एस्ता धेरै उदाहरण छन हामी कहाँ। ) महिलाहरुलाई राजनैतीक बच्चाउ गर्न त्यसरी गर भनिएको पनि हुन सक्छ वा महिला फेरी प्रयोग भएका हुन सक्छन । येति गम्बिर बिषय उठान गर्दा सार्वजनिक गरिएको फोटोको लागि अनुमती लिएको थियो कि थिएन होला ? कुरा सुन्दा छैन कि जस्तो छ के तेसो हो भने पत्रकारलाई चाँही यो ग्रान्टेड हो । 
जसले जसरी प्रस्तुत गरेनी सानो हिस्साले सामाजिक रुपन्तरन खोजेको भयो पनि। यस्तै सानो सानो हिस्सा बददै गये समाज बन्दै जान्छ सबैलाई, सबैले बोल्ने, पिल्सिएर बस्ने सस्किर्तिको बिकास होस्

Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature