Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Letter to Daughter, #Childmarriage

प्यारी छोरी स्मारिका,
धेरै धेरै माया सम्झना .

सधैं झै आशा तिमीलाई राम्रो सञ्चै अनी राम्रो गरिरहेकी छौ।
अहिले बिरगंजमा छु, तिमीहरुकै साथी रिन्कु ठाकुरलाई भेटेर भलाकुसारी गर्दै छु, जती प्रचन्ड गर्मी तेती नै पोल्दो उनिको काहानी तिमीले पत्रीकामा पडी सकेकी हुनु पर्छ कि उनले टुँगो लागेको बिहे, छेक्या गरिसकेको बिहे, दाइेजो दि सकेको बिहे, बाबु आमा छिमेकिले निर्णय गरी सकेको बिहे अस्विकर गरिन

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Mark May 28, 2016, #MHM, #internationalmenstrualhygieneday

May 28, International Menstrual Hygiene day 2016 celebrated by organizing a vigil as well as open discussion with high school girls at Jaulakhel, Lagankhel and Magalbazar, Lalitpur, Nepal.

Letter to Son on Menstrual Health and Hygiene, #Mesntrualday2016

प्रिय छोरा स्मरन,
धेरै धेरै माया सम्झना !

आशा तिमी राम्रो गरिरहेको छौ जे हाम्रो सल्लाह सहमति भएको थियो

Friday, May 27, 2016

Letter to Daughter, #May28Menstrualhygieneday, 2016

प्यारी छोरी स्मारिका,
धेरै धेरै माया सम्झना

आशा तिमी सञ्चै राम्रो छौ

पनि ठिकै छु,जुन अभियानमा आफूलाई समर्पित गरेको छु तेस्कै लागि प्रयेत्नशिल् छु तिमीलाई थाहा छदै बाटो मेरो चुनौतिपूर्ण गाह्रो तर मैले आफूलाई भागय्मानी सम्झेको छु।  एस्तो देशमा जन्मे जहाँ मैले मन फुकाएर सेबा गर्ने अबसर पाएको छु, मेरो ज्ञान सिप्को अझै आबस्एकता छ। तेसैले लगातार लागेको लागेकै छु शायद तिमीले पत्र पत्रीकामा देखे, जानेको हुनुपर्दछ।

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

#diastermanagement, #bill #Nepal

In May 20, 2016, I had participated consultation meeting of diaster management bill. My had done following points over the draft bill;
1. It should be wider participatory where the Survivors of diaster hold the positions as well
2. The should based on technology e.g. mobile apps or alarm system
3. should have greater inclusivness  includes age, caste, religion, .....based on context
4.Media should accountable, shouldn't disseminate as like Tanakpur incident 2015
5.There should be very clear in types of diaster, Karnali and far west are always in diaster in many ways but no one pays attention
6.should focus on sustainable livelihood plan
7. There should be plan for quality assurance including research, monitoring, documentation for contextual preparation and response
8. Capacity building plan for all stakeholders more for the community because community are the foremost rescuer always
9. should have the mechanism for transparency, participation, governance
10. consider the local political bodies and current political changes ( the absence of political bodies was big problem in earthquake 2016)
11. The duplication and political influence is always challenge

At program

#Childmarriage, #forcedmarriage,#earlymarriage

Significantly contributed at national level consultative workshop on Child, forced and early marriage. I shared the vivid and Bravery story of Rinku and many girls and boys across Nepal. I also shared my stake on it as I shared in earlier post.

#Menstrualhealthhygiene, Thames College, #Menstrualrestriction

To mark International Menstrual Health Hygiene day May 28, have been doing so many activities as personal as well as Action Works Nepal.
May 23, 2016, had a guest lecture and interaction program with students at Thames International College, Kathmandu.

Sunday, May 22, 2016


सयौ पटक कोशीस गरे,
फुस्किएको फेद पत्ता लगाउनलाई,
उध्रिरह्यो, फुस्किरह्यो,
धौ धौ भयो, टुप्पो समाउनालाई ।
कसिलो थियो, मायालु थियो,
बुनेको आँफैले, उनेको आँफैलाई ,
भयो कसरी, शत्रुका आँखा लागे कसरी,
सकस भयो, चिरेको यो मन सीउनलाई ।    

Friday, May 20, 2016

#Technicaleducation and #vocationaltraining in Nepal

Rapid Scan of Current Status of Technical Education and Vocational Training  in Nepal

Charity Model: Doubt for Sustainable Development or Social Transformation

Many people asked me with doubt and irate manner, so aren’t you working as nurse? Or why do you leave your nurse job? Or so many others when they knew me as nurse in my introduction. Originally, I did staff nurse, I practiced Anaesthetic Assistant Nurse for 24/7 hours for 4 years and by specialization, I am public health nurse. The additional degrees added value to understand the dynamics of society and its growing pattern through the lens of health education, sociology and development from home town to aboard. Even today, I am working in public health in many ways. I always feel pride and proud of my nursing profession, gives an added value while working in any forms of crisis such as Maoist insurgency 2001-2006, 2006/2007 people war, Madhesh movement in 2007 and 2015, Koshi flood 2008 or Earthquake 2015.

Friday, May 13, 2016

#menstrualrestriction, #Mesntrualhygiene, #Chitwan

May 13, 2016,
Dad, Devi Prasad Paudel and myself had great discussion on menstrual hygiene, health, restriction with the students of class 9, 10 and teachers at Balkumari English Boarding school, Narayangard, Chitwan. 
It was great honoured to invest and inject among youngsters.

Class Nine, BalKumari English Boarding School, May 13, 2016

Thursday, May 12, 2016

#Internationalnursingday2016 Challenges in Nursing Profession in Nepal

My Nursing education always remains as my boon during Maoist insurgency, Jan Andolan II (people war 2006), devastating earthquake 2015, Terai blockade 2015 though I enrolled it accidently when my dad’s brain washed by foresters who were briefing that I couldn’t negotiate with masculine characters including men folks, claiming mountains, fighting with wild animals and wood smugglers.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Happy Mother's Day 2016

बिर्सेंजस्तो गरेर बसिदिएको छु, हासिदिएको छु,
जती बिर्सु भने पनि सकिन्छ नै कसरी ?
आकाश निलो होस् वा कालो, वा कपास्को पोको,

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

#MHM Educating on Menstrual Health Hygiene, Chitwan

Chitwan is one of the developed district in Nepal so far but the conditions of women and girls is so far behind. Girls missed 3 days in a month due to period and 7/14 days during menarche. 100% students or any participants are following various forms of menstrual restriction though they are rich, educated and living in city. There were four interactions with school teachers, students and women and men in Kharehani, Chitwan so he entire community would get the same information without any dispute, conflict or confusion.

Educating School girls and boys on Menstrual Health Hygiene, Kankali Public School, Khairehani, Chitwan, April 27, 2016Add caption

#Rinku is a Malala,and so many others from Nepal to break Silence around #Child Marriage

Radha was talking with Rinku , April 30, 2016 Birgunj (consent taken for display)
When I was studying at grade four, I heard and observed that many very young girls were getting married in my village, said by 18 years (her parents and neighbours hadn’t agree with her age, claiming 19 years) young, Terai Dalit girl named Rinku Thakur from Chhapkaiya 1, Birgunj, Parsa. She further added, I also heard about committed suicide by many young girls and women due to early, force marriage and other forms of domestic violence. She was quite worried since then due to fear of child and forced marriage in her culture and society. Being an eldest (#1-Rinku 18 years, “2-Brother 16, SLC attempted, #3- Sister 14 years 10th grade, #4- Sister 11 years at 7th grade) she is more vulnerable who must follow her parents peculiarly marriage without a single comment in many ways e.g. her marriage is a matter of honour in her society in order to continue the culture of this community.

Award for #dignifiedmenstruation, #literature
